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Thread: WTF

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Mount Manuganui
    Why would you NEED to take ANY ammo into a shop for ANY reason....if a firearm is to be repaired / whatever I am sure that unless the ammo was stuck in the weapon...the gunny would have ammo available for testing or whatever....report every incident to the polis....

  2. #32
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 25/08IMP View Post
    .....I think by law you are meant to remove the bolt and mag well transporting a firearm.
    What dumb F------.
    No requirement to remove the bolt or magazine. However, the magazine must be unloaded.

    Reading about the various unsafe practices by idiots mentioned in the posts here is plain frightening.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    in the middle of the bottom of the south
    Quote Originally Posted by BruceY View Post
    Why would you NEED to take ANY ammo into a shop for ANY reason....if a firearm is to be repaired / whatever I am sure that unless the ammo was stuck in the weapon...the gunny would have ammo available for testing or whatever....report every incident to the polis....
    incompatable ammo with that gun?
    bad batch of ammo?
    gunny dose not have the same brand?
    can you check my mates reloads?
    there is many reasons why ammo needs to come in.
    i find ammo is more often the cause of the fault than the firearm.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Idiots, I must admit I find gun safety pretty bad with rifles, compared to the UK, when I did my NZ course the instructed was telling us that, they used to use confiscated guns to demonstrate different actions, this was stopped when a rifle was brought up from storage at the police station, and was found to be loaded, so the gun was confiscated, stored and signed out, while all the time being loaded.
    As for shotguns at one clay shooting club in Hants in the UK, 7 shotguns were found to be loaded while left unattended , instant confiscation of all weapons owned, license revoked and criminal charges brought.
    keneff likes this.

  5. #35
    R93 is offline
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    Was talking about this thread tonight while having a drink with a mate at his shop. He has been a outdoors retailer for 20 years and has had a couple similar incidents and one recently. He growled the fella out the shop for showing up with a loaded mag in the rifle.
    keneff likes this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  6. #36
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
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    A little off the topic , . Ive had it twice in the field now, blokes that disengage safety on a shot gun well before game has flushed . Both have been trap skeet shooters & I'm guessing they get the habit from the club ? . What is the requirement at the gun club ? Do trap guns have safeties ?
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  7. #37
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    Some trap guns don,t engage safety automatically, but all modern guns have safety's, when in the trap cage you normally load when ready and release safety followed by calling pull, unless shooting flush you then just load and wait until clays appear.
    With semi auto or pump although they lock open, we just put a used cartridge in the ejection port, brass end in, plastic out so it can,t close and people can see its chamber is empty.

  8. #38
    R93 is offline
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    I have never used a safety in any of the clay diciplines yet.
    Not even when I was shooting an auto for a few years.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  9. #39
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    I always use a safety, as I spent as much time shooting driven pheasant as clays

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I have a friend who works in a gun shop in Arizona. They have a BIG sign on their door stating "If you are bringing a firearm in for repair or to sell it must be in a case. Any openly displayed firearms will be treated as a threat" All the staff carry pistols in the shop and he said at least a couple of times every week they have to draw on someone walking in waving a gun or drawing a pistol at the counter. He also said the worst offenders are the local cops.
    His boss owned another gun shop years ago where a guy started to draw a pistol he wanted to get new sights for, the boss told him not to draw it in the store but to take it into the range area out back, clear it then case it and come back. Apparently the guy argued that it was already clear, went to pull it again and shot himself.



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