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Thread: First go at trap shooting today

  1. #1
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    First go at trap shooting today

    Today I finally said yes to going for a trap short with the father in law at the Tauraunga TECT park.

    Shot three rounds, 21,22 and ended with a 24, gutted that I dropped the last target, started to really get the hang of it.

    Really enjoyed it and has got me wondering if I should buy a trap gun, the gun I was using cost $7k new which seemed crazy to me for a shotgun. Do you really need such an expensive shotgun to compete?

  2. #2
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    It's addictive, and anything addictive is expensive, I love it but once a month at the local is enough for me.
    Skeet in the morning and DTL in the afternoon
    There are many second hand guns about
    I bought a Miroku for 2k , seems to work when I do my part.
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  3. #3
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Thats pretty good shooting for first time out.
    By "Trap" do you mean Down the Line, ie 5 shooting positions and targets always going away and rising.
    If so I tried it but found "Sporting Clays" to be more my "style"

    With the gun its not about the cost more about the fit. I have tried a really really really nice peratzi but we did not get on at all and it was just as well as my wallet could not have provided it.
    dirtyhabit, Munsey and Paddy79 like this.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    my 14 year old tried a Huglu trap gun yesterday, they just under 2k, nice gun, she loved the fit the feel and how it shot so that's what she's getting for xmas either that or I give her my versamax tactical and buy me a new one

  5. #5
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Not sure exactly what it was, five shooting positions but clays went out different directions.

    I've told the father in law that his shotgun and his daughter were a package deal, luckily he wasn't holding the shotgun at the time. It was a browning with what looked like quite a high web, bugger all recoil, he's almost a foot shorter than me so surprised I could shoot with it.
    Tommy likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    TECT parks a great facility, enjoyed the sunshine as well?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Parahaki, Whangarei
    Agree with the comments regarding fit and balance mentioned above.
    I used a cheap Brazilian Boito U/O (Mod/Full), in Aussie, many years ago, for DTL (which does have the clays coming out in different directions, but always rising. Even double bird throws), Trench - I was shithouse at this (birds were smaller and much faster and a fixed distance - 25M at NSW Gun Club), and a simulated 'Rabbit' flyer/double throw at Narrabeen Gun Club.
    Got hooked on DTL and the simulated (think they call it Sporting Clays now), bought a Beretta s/auto with fixed 3/4 choke.
    Kept the Boito until someone offered me an early model Winchester Pidgeon at a superb price (he hated it and wanted a Perazzi).
    Reloaded using Lee press and a custom bush.
    Also had a thrower and a box of clays - was really into it.
    Went to Perth in '86, sold them all in '89 to buy our first house in WA - really miss it now, but broken ears and not hearing someone 10M away, with ear plugs and muffs in, means it's unsafe for me and other shooters, so gave it away.

  8. #8
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WallyR View Post
    Agree with the comments regarding fit and balance mentioned above.
    I used a cheap Brazilian Boito U/O (Mod/Full), in Aussie, many years ago, for DTL (which does have the clays coming out in different directions, but always rising. Even double bird throws), Trench - I was shithouse at this (birds were smaller and much faster and a fixed distance - 25M at NSW Gun Club), and a simulated 'Rabbit' flyer/double throw at Narrabeen Gun Club.
    Got hooked on DTL and the simulated (think they call it Sporting Clays now), bought a Beretta s/auto with fixed 3/4 choke.
    Kept the Boito until someone offered me an early model Winchester Pidgeon at a superb price (he hated it and wanted a Perazzi).
    Reloaded using Lee press and a custom bush.
    Also had a thrower and a box of clays - was really into it.
    Went to Perth in '86, sold them all in '89 to buy our first house in WA - really miss it now, but broken ears and not hearing someone 10M away, with ear plugs and muffs in, means it's unsafe for me and other shooters, so gave it away.
    Electronic earmuffs? A good set of peltor tactical pros not the small Howard Leight type. No earplugs needed and electronic amplification, even leave hearing aids in.
    Beaker, WallyR and Paddy79 like this.

  9. #9
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Do they have simulated game days in NZ?
    As what Rushy said! Some of these shotguns go for a lot and I'm here in the uk where I'm talking £ not the nz$ with the exchange rates
    To give you a comparison my second hand.
    Winchester pigeon grade paid nz $1700 back in 91/92
    Beretta SO4 £2900 brought in 2011
    Now that add the cost of getting them fit. Here in the uk£130 and the guy that doses it is world class.
    So the comparison both awesome guns to use but the Beretta has a way better trigger.
    It was built for clays the Pigeon grade was built also for clays but... I do love shooting that SO4
    SO stands for side lock these guns have won probably more Olympic medals than any other.
    Also awesome on game
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    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
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  10. #10
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Good plugs or electronic muffs are the go especially if you are next to someone with a ported barrel fancypants gun. I use an akkar field o/u for dtl (which you shot) and am competitive in b grade. Basically if it fits you you will shoot well.

  11. #11
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    It's pretty hard to trial a whole. Inch though isn't it? How do you tell if they 'fit'?

  12. #12
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    It's pretty hard to trial a whole. Inch though isn't it? How do you tell if they 'fit'?
    Find someone that fits shotguns our knows what there talking about.....not she be right mate cause it's not
    What your trying to do is throw a ball to hit another ball in mid air if the shoes don't fit you won't hit.
    The fitting process will go against every thing that you have been taught about firearms in NZ.
    It goes like this.
    1 Take the shotgun that you want fitted unload it and show it to the fitter that it's unloaded!!!
    2 The the fitter then stands in front of you, you close eyes and then mount the gun and open your eyes. You should not move your head.
    Your eye should be looking straight done the barrel and only seeing the bead. The fitter can then tell how and what needs doing to the stock. Quite often you will point the UNLOADED gun straight at them. This is normal but very unnerving and against the grain.
    All about accurate gun fit - Shooting UK
    This article may help.
    mikee and WallyR like this.
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
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  13. #13
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Have this more information than you can shake a stick at. Make me an offer and I'll chuck it in my bag home on Wednesday.
    Can post our drop off
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    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  14. #14
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Jesus what is with these bloody photos
    Just as well I shoot better with the gun
    WallyR likes this.
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  15. #15
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    I think you keep forgetting your on the other side of the world. During transmission of visual files, the flux capacitor gets all messed up by the magnetic fields of the poles
    Sideshow and WallyR like this.



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