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  • 1 Post By 6.5mm-mag

Thread: Rizzini Vertex Black sporting U/O 12 Gauge

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Totara Vale, Auckland

    Rizzini Vertex Black sporting U/O 12 Gauge


    Just want to say that if anyone is looking for a reasonably priced, good quality shotgun as an all arounder for shooting Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays as well as game then I'd highly recommend these guns (despite the negativity of one of the so called experts at Gun City who pushes Miroku, who advised me that Rizzini's are unreliable).

    I've had my Rizzini for 6 months now, been shooting both Trap and Skeet. Has had 2500 rounds down it now and hasn't missed a beat.

    My trap shooting scores have improved considerably since I've had this gun, constantly 22, 23, 24and a couple of 25's. I have been reliably informed these guns are half way between a trap gun and sporter.
    WallyR likes this.



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