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Thread: Tight budget

  1. #16
    Former Gun Plumber lostlegend's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Samba I've seen you shoot, you need a semi, this isn't the best shot gun in the world but might suit you for a while till the little one is older and you are allowed to spend some money on a new gun.

    Escort Magnum 12 Gauge Semi-auto | Trade Me

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    semi or pump? Gun city 870 IS a piece of shit.

    Mossberg is pretty decent mate

    Stoeger semi is not that bad and very reasonably priced
    + 1 Stoeger semi or an 870 "proper" Remington/mossberg 500 pump

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
    Being over gunned is under rated.


  3. #18
    Join Date
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    2nd hand Remington 870

  4. #19
    Member hillclima's Avatar
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    I have a Mossberg 9200 semi for sale in palmy you are welcome to have a look and put some shots through if you are interested

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spudattack View Post
    Baikal Shotgun - Steel shot | Trade Me

    Here ya go, all ready for steel, built like a brick shit house and nicer to look at than a cheap pump!
    Did these have chromed barrels? If so reamed may be a bitch?

  6. #21
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Did these have chromed barrels? If so reamed may be a bitch?
    Nah, pretty sure they a straight steel barrel, my one has been reamed and is sweet.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  7. #22
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    I have a spare escort pump,Samba after the best price I can get
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  8. #23
    Member samba's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=lostlegend;100208]Samba I've seen you shoot, you need a semi, this isn't the best shot gun in the world but might suit you for a while till the little one is older and you are allowed to spend some money on a new gun.

    HAHA Iv also seen you shoot mate!!!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    In a semi ,the baikal will do all you ask of it and then some.at a risk of being called heretic have a squizz at the latest Escort semis -marked improvement from early models.one of which i have (and is bloody reliable). these are another in your budget scenario.

  10. #25
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spudattack View Post
    Baikal Shotgun - Steel shot | Trade Me
    nicer to look at than a cheap pump!

  11. #26
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    In a semi ,the baikal will do all you ask of it and then some.at a risk of being called heretic have a squizz at the latest Escort semis -marked improvement from early models.one of which i have (and is bloody reliable). these are another in your budget scenario.
    that gun in lost legends quote is a late model escort and if whats stated is right -not a bad buy.whatever you get keep the maintainence up as the old bring it home from shooting chuck it in the cupboard and forget it willsee your gunsmith earning lots of your hardearned bucks in short time.
    Scouser likes this.

  12. #27
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    that gun in lost legends quote is a late model escort and if whats stated is right -not a bad buy.whatever you get keep the maintainence up as the old bring it home from shooting chuck it in the cupboard and forget it willsee your gunsmith earning lots of your hardearned bucks in short time.
    Spot on kotuku.....and dont forget to clean and oil the choke!!!!!...there real bastards to remove when rusted in...........I know!!!!!!!!
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  13. #28
    Join Date
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    spreydon christcurch.
    yes squire -my old girl went doggy on2 3/4"loads yesterday ,spittin &fartinwith loading into breech..took her apart today -hmmmmm;reminder to self -dont oil fucking magazine spring when using in sandy dusty regions ;sand is not conducive to smooth functioning.she fed ok on3"'loads tho.
    all parts soaked for 30mins in petrol thinners mix then given thorough blowdry with compressed air ,put coupla drips of oi lin essential places and put her back in one piece.
    then get a call from a cobber back in nz from over the ditch.his FAL is due so has the local AO workinhis ring off sortinit out before he heads back.wanted me as security referee ,so iokd it.Ao's apprently visiting to view my setup .that got a complete revamp &triple check as well before the visitors arrive. still nice fat canada breasts for tea and have just taken delivery of 30odd pigeons so "organic meat" wise im pretty flush.
    Scouser likes this.

  14. #29
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    Gibson,Western Australia
    If a bikal fits you, get a bikal ,or get what ever dose.
    Shot guns are a very personal weapon.
    Just try not to become a sprayer if you go semi or pump.

    Hay kotuku ,how did you cook your them Canada's ,
    I shot a few recently , never had before, slow cooked for 8 hours and they were like chewing on a wheel barrow tyre.
    Any tips

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    yes squire.breast em. right lay the bird bellyup facing you .run your finger down centre line and you'llfeel the breast bone.run your knife alonf \g each side of it from collarbone to end of ribcage.
    now take ya fingers and work between skin and meat till you see legs and wing joints etc. right get a wee knife and peel the breasts off by following rib contours with blade.do same to collarbones running knife down them as a guide.
    with a little work you should have two plump lumps of meat. cookin em.
    a couple of recipes I use ,three in fact.first of all take the breast and slice it very thinly across the grain.marinate in your favourite marinade,then when youre ready ,a quick douse in a breadbag with a little cornflour (seasoned)and into a smoking hot pan to "stirfry". serve with rice ,noodles vegeies (your choice) .add a little of the cornflour and a dollopof ale youre sinking whilst cooking into the marinade and drop it inot the pan -voila -ya tasy sauce!
    no2-Great kiwisausage rolls (aka gooserolls).get yaself some flakey pastry and follow directions rollit out into a large rectangle(s).now grab a goose breast and a ppacket of sausage meat or even empty some raw sausages .put all this ina food processor and whizz her up.season with whatever you like -garlic,chilla tomato sauce salt pepper etc etc.
    right now lay lines of the meat on ya pastry -roll em up into a long tube and cut into 3"lengths. onto a big oven tray and into a hot oven.keep an eye on the buggers and any strangers in the kitchen(especially those dribbling from the mouth like a hungry lab).when the buggers are nice &golden whip em out and rip into em fresh.a little sauce on the isde helps but again whatever you desire.
    last is me goosedog.take a hotdog roli or breadstick &split it lengthwise.stirfry your geese as in recipe one ,then do the same to a thinly sliced onion.make up some gray (or recipe one sauce)and heap the lot onto the open roll smother in sauce ,kickout the bloody intruders and hoe in fast.
    alright while im at ithers ya bonus.do ya recipe one stir fry goose and vegies.keep warm in a casserole dish ,whilst youmake a big pot of mashed spud,plenty of butter &seasoning to your hearts content.now layer the spud ontop of the goose etc ,salt 7pepper and big lumps of butter dotted about it -into the hot oven for 30-40mins til top golden brown and thenserve up and hoe in.the meat can be a little chewy on anolder bird but a young bugger (meat has a more pinkish tinge)can be suprisingly tender.
    before i go-this meat is organic and does have a pretty good effect on your organs,so for gods sake if you feel a gas buildup ,do not lift your buttcheek and let it slip.these bursts often are "silent but violent".
    anyhow thats my gordon ramsey speech so bums up and into it old son.
    ARdave and Scouser like this.



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