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Thread: Tight budget

  1. #31
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Gibson,Western Australia
    Awesome man,
    I'll give the goose a 2nd chance.
    I had such disgust in what I cooked I vowed never to shoot another.
    Mine was not pink so I'm guessing I got old ones.

    No worry with the bowels mate I've been in east Africa for a long time.
    Bum wees is just a part of life LOL

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    turners sports have a nice 870 remmeny for sale i can get you the details if you want.
    i have 2 of my own 870s

  3. #33
    Member samba's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Thanks for all the advice i aquired me a Beretta semi for a while until i can buy a keeper.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    yes squire -my old girl went doggy on2 3/4"loads yesterday ,spittin &fartinwith loading into breech..took her apart today -hmmmmm;reminder to self -dont oil fucking magazine spring when using in sandy dusty regions ;sand is not conducive to smooth functioning.she fed ok on3"'loads tho.
    all parts soaked for 30mins in petrol thinners mix then given thorough blowdry with compressed air ,put coupla drips of oi lin essential places and put her back in one piece.
    then get a call from a cobber back in nz from over the ditch.his FAL is due so has the local AO workinhis ring off sortinit out before he heads back.wanted me as security referee ,so iokd it.Ao's apprently visiting to view my setup .that got a complete revamp &triple check as well before the visitors arrive. still nice fat canada breasts for tea and have just taken delivery of 30odd pigeons so "organic meat" wise im pretty flush.
    yes gents an update to that wee quote.in fact the piston on the escort had a massive crack 3/4 of the way around
    the end that butts against the bolt carrier is surrounded by a hefty spring locked with a screw on collar. when this piston was machined and the collar thread cut i can only assume the metal left was slightly thin and with a multitude of hefty thumps as the old girl fired it finally stress fractured , resulting in an angled end which bound on the mag tube.
    With spares in my cupboard ,simple to bang a new 2nd hand piston on .also broke the rubber ring,so a quick hunt in my plumbing supplies finds another "O"ring.
    bugger me -we're up &away again.fixed for SFA,no gunsmith bills and money for ales!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Gun City 870.

    Gun City 870 is a piece of shit? Pray tell why, please mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    semi or pump? Gun city 870 IS a piece of shit.

    Mossberg is pretty decent mate

    Stoeger semi is not that bad and very reasonably priced

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    They are a base level gun that is a copy of an already cheap gun using cheap parts. Are you taking the piss?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Not taking the piss at all,mate. Shot the shit out of mine. Home load slugs, buck 00 and ring the gong at 100 metres more often than not with round ball and Lee 1 oz. Even shot clays. I realise that it's a copy and all that ( jeez, I even run a Great Wall 4x4) but if it's dangerous in your experience, I need to know. Shit, I'll bury the bastard tomorrow!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Haha na not dangerous at all, just not the greatest quality, a bit hit and miss. If ypurs goes good then thats awesome, but not my cup of tea

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Ahh... good then. I'll keep pumping the bugger. Cheers.



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