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Thread: Tips for beginners in trap and skeet

  1. #46
    Member Old_School's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2022
    I first had a go at clay shooting a few years ago at a friends and nailed it first go, but when I thought I would give it a try now I havent had much luck getting hits, especially clean ones that turn them to dust.
    Not sure what im doing wrong, but Im using a different gun, ive got a 12G remington 1100 with an open cylinder, so no choke.
    Im trying to source an interchoke barrel for it.

    I have no idea what choke my friends gun had at the time, but it was only a 20 gauge and I was hitting most targets with no effort.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Old_School View Post
    I first had a go at clay shooting a few years ago at a friends and nailed it first go, but when I thought I would give it a try now I havent had much luck getting hits, especially clean ones that turn them to dust.
    Not sure what im doing wrong, but Im using a different gun, ive got a 12G remington 1100 with an open cylinder, so no choke.
    Im trying to source an interchoke barrel for it.

    I have no idea what choke my friends gun had at the time, but it was only a 20 gauge and I was hitting most targets with no effort.
    Gun fit has a HUGE influence on your success. I'm not a guru, just do it casually. If you are near a club it's worth talking to experienced people about gun fit and seeing if you can shoulder a few different guns with them to see what fits best

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Gun fit and test pattern to see where its shooting for you.
    Different ammo and chokes can pattern to a different place even if the gun feels great



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