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Thread: Disrespecting the Pheasant

  1. #76
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    If you wanted to just kill birds with flush and shoot you could easily and get a bag real quick . I dont hunt the fringes much but the forest areas which has less birds and even the only selected dog work will be shot at and even then many are missed lol. Some birds are easy some are not and some run like pestorius . I dont want to many birds when i shoot as i want the dog to strech out and search hard. In short shoot quality not quantity!

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    it's your own requirement of the game bird resource, some hunters have different idea's on how it's used.
    in a lot of ways I share your views, but have learnt it's no use expecting everybody to be of similar mind.
    having ground with a healthy population of birds is an absolute lotto win for anyone with a pointing or flushing breed, like area's with high numbers of pigs or deer it can fast forward a young dogs development so that in a few months the dog can be working like a seasoned pro, as with any sort of hunting where dogs are concerned nothing teaches better than doing the actual work and having game found,shot or caught, personally I like a young dog to have a steady supply of kills at some stage to enforce the training put in.

    I wouldn't get upset if a person was 'claiming' such a high seasonal bag, as stated it's more than likely a B/S boast, the game keeper would be dogging in a lot more if it really was the case.

    in regards to ya excuse of running ya dogs in the same area as 50 other dogs how many of them are hard wired bird dogs ?
    I know woodhill gets a shit loads of dog walkers too but the deer still breed and I know my own dogs would cause havoc if left to there own devices to indulge what they were bred for.

  3. #78
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawhia View Post
    it's your own requirement of the game bird resource, some hunters have different idea's on how it's used.
    in a lot of ways I share your views, but have learnt it's no use expecting everybody to be of similar mind.
    having ground with a healthy population of birds is an absolute lotto win for anyone with a pointing or flushing breed, like area's with high numbers of pigs or deer it can fast forward a young dogs development so that in a few months the dog can be working like a seasoned pro, as with any sort of hunting where dogs are concerned nothing teaches better than doing the actual work and having game found,shot or caught, personally I like a young dog to have a steady supply of kills at some stage to enforce the training put in.

    I wouldn't get upset if a person was 'claiming' such a high seasonal bag, as stated it's more than likely a B/S boast, the game keeper would be dogging in a lot more if it really was the case.

    in regards to ya excuse of running ya dogs in the same area as 50 other dogs how many of them are hard wired bird dogs ?
    I know woodhill gets a shit loads of dog walkers too but the deer still breed and I know my own dogs would cause havoc if left to there own devices to indulge what they were bred for.
    woodhille deer breed fine as do birds mainly because the hordes walk with dogs you cannot shoot near there for at least 10-15miles away and even that may stop with new maori ownership
    Watch this space - mind you ive never enjoyed shooting there -shithouse spot. On well used city land by walkers and there mutts id rather have a hard wired bird dog like mine encountering birds than your average mutt anyday as mine only ever point and dont touch. But in saying that the population still stadily breeds even though the area is used everyday of the week - i dont sweat it , the pheasants dont sweat it as theyre always there so maybe either should you. If you dog is going to reek havoc in an area get a setter lol

  4. #79
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Excuse spelling but typing on a mobile with fat fingers leads to errors ... More than one

  5. #80
    Join Date
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    Northern Ireland
    My personal shooting wouldn't amount to more than fifty head of game each year. I eat, or strive to have eaten by somebody, every game bird that I shoot and I'm successful in this other than the odd occasion that dogs fall out over a bird.
    One of the banes of my life is the egit who plagues me for a brace of pheasants. I supply said pheasants but when I subsequently ask how he found them I either get a "Great, loved them.", which is patently a lie, or some sort of bushit about they were off, or the missus decided she couldn't clean them. The net result is wasted birds.
    At the other end of the scale is a place like Muggleswick. Last year they shot 15,500 brace of grouse, give or take.. That's 31,000 birds. On a shoot day there is a team decicated to the processing of the shot birds. Apart from the birds that are given to the guns (usually a brace) every bird is cleaned and prepared for transfer to various outlets in Europe, mainly France. The team works until the last bird is prepared and one of the management team is a vet. Not one bird is wasted. I have absolutely no problem with that.

  6. #81
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    yes birds raised for professional preserve shooting is a little different than shooting those numbers in a non estate situation -we just wouldn't have any left .It must be something else running a pointing dog in a sea of scent Des and have its own difficulties
    Last edited by el borracho; 03-06-2014 at 10:02 AM.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  7. #82
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    I disrespected a few birds next door in Equine on the weekend El B. I didn't take any home with me, left them all
    where they fell.

  8. #83
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    I disrespected a few birds next door in Equine on the weekend El B. I didn't take any home with me, left them all
    where they fell.
    were you picking up for the mega wealthy pointer
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  9. #84
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    No, sporting clays
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  10. #85
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    the Nadal of NZ -the mass killer of clay
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  11. #86
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    I shot them and left them there, disrepectful

  12. #87
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    should have taken your own broom and pre paid Rotorua rubbish bag
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Any wonder you shoot 600 of them in a season Pointer! You probably shot the hen clays too, as well as the cocks!

  14. #89
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Everyone knows the hen clays taste better!

    And yes 600, but out of how many?
    Petros_mk likes this.

  15. #90
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    I disrespected a few birds next door in Equine on the weekend El B. I didn't take any home with me, left them all
    where they fell.
    You, you rascalian you...hens as well
    Pointer likes this.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...



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