Good stuff.
RCGSP did you go up north to the live game trials
No. Had to scratch all the trials due to injury.
I'm looking to head up in a week or two with the boys to get em some open country work.
from the reports ive had back from people who hunt the far north, Aupouri forest has been hammered as usual
Get a dog from Dave Robinson if you want a good one, my experience is, while a ton of abilityu the german dogs are fkn meatheads.
How many recent German dogs have you worked with personally?
Couldn't have been too many. To the best of my knowledge the only living full German import DK in the country is sitting at my feet and you have most certainly never met him and he is most certainly not a meat head. Outside of him the only other German blooded dog in the country is my bitch who was born in the UK to German parents and you've certainly never met her either and she is definitely no meat head. I've got a German bred weimaraner too (born in the US to German parents), no meat head there.
Dave Robinson's latest pup was bred by Gail Blankley.
I'm not going to argue with you... knock yourself out. I won't get into any of that on a public forum... my sources are reasonably reliable when it comes to this breed. If someone wants to Phone me I'll elaborate. 075490932... if not.... Buyer beware.
Fingers forgiven... I'm not going to say too much. I am only repeating what was said to me by someone who has been as successful as anyone with this breed in this country.... I think people have to make determinations off their own bat and no one need listen to me or my opinions if they do not want, but if they want an opinion I can give it to them, just not publicly I would rather do that direct because do people are traditionally so sensitive and bitchy. I'll guarantee the German dogs have a shit load more hunt than almost anything on offer here and if you are a good handler you'll have great success, but there might be more to it than meets the eye in "just" getting a dog of German lineage. If someone wants an opinion just ring and I'll give them one. They can take it or leave it. My personal opinion is that for the average NZ hunter, Dave's dogs are the best on offer currently and I don;t want to argue that... others can think what they like. Hell, I reckon I have the best springer in the country, some agree, some don't..... so what?![]()
So when you said "in your experience," you really have no experience.
DKs have changed a lot in the last 20 years. They have put a lot of emphasis on making them easier to handle. You can go by your source. I've got the proof 3 feet from me.
Interesting you changed your tune from "best blood to come to NZ in a long time".
I wouldn't say a shit load more but I guess I'd generally agree with that statement. They are definitely not meat heads though. I think a large part of what they can add to the genetics here is trainability.
Also you're making generalizations about an entire country worth of dogs and a country that includes a whole shit load of this kind of dog. They certainly aren't all the alike.
Last edited by RCGSP; 25-07-2012 at 07:38 PM.
Well I'll agree with you... your dogs are awesome.... pick at what you want... I have a lot of dog experience as do the folks I network with. You ever want to see... I'm not hard to find. I reiterate... if anyone wants an opinion ring me... if not don't... now go and have a cup of tea and pat your dog.![]()
So 2 weeks ago you said
"Follow Kawhia's advice, best blood to come to NZ in a long time."
Kawhia's advice being...
"there is also some new bloodlines recently arrived in the country both european DK's, solid working lines and the owner is breeding them soon."
Then you found out they belong to me and now they are "fkn meatheads" and "buyer beware".
Makes sense. There's a good unbiased opinion for anyone interested.
I specifically selected and imported the dogs I did for their working ability, bidability and quietness and spent a lot of money doing it. If you wanna sit back and spout unfounded bullshit about the hard work of other people from your non-existent "personal experience" then that's just sad. I'm working hard to help the breed as best I can and you're just sitting there taking pot shots. Well done.
Find a new hobby. I'm done listening to you crap on my efforts.
Last edited by Ruff; 26-07-2012 at 08:47 AM.
What is it with dog threads turning into abolute shitstorms? I thought cat people were supposed to be the high strung weird ones?
My GSP is a total fucktard so far (14 weeks) - must be a Genuine German Import then? I'll pay you $500 to take it away?
I didnt really need to look but did
Banned over there in only 76 posts - not a bad effort RUFF
Could be a sign that your interactions with people online are a little "confrontational"?