Nah mate, it was a joke by a mod actually... I had trouble accessing my old account so strated the "Ruff" one... <My old account was then reset and as you cannot have two the mod banned the "temporary account". Here are the stats on my main account for what it's worth....
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Date Registered:
Apr 8th, 2010 at 3:03am
840 Days since joining
Bay of Heaps
Dog people are as bad as horse people!!![]()
RCGSP-VETTOBE or what ever you call your self these days, its good to see its only your name that has changed and you are still passionate about your chosen breed, what results is Echo on about.PM if you want
Well this might seem against the run of play but i reckon Ryan has done bloody well with Quinn. I don;t have a high opinion of pigeon trials for pointers and setters but that aside you can;t do much more than win them and you have done that including a North island i believe. I gave my opinion early on because my experience with GWP's and most all breeds of dogs is that when working blood from their country of origin is brought in it is better than what is here... usually... hasn;t applied to springers so far, well not for 25 years but we keep trying.... however... A friend who I rate very highly saw my recommendation and gave his view. he is the most respected dog person I know and I respect his opinion on that basis i changed mine and have to be fair and say my first recommendation was, based on that wrong. My comment "Buyer Beware" was not intended as a slight, b ut more a warning to do your homework, make sure you are getting what you want. There are several suggestions on here, no one takes my word as gospel and they will make their own choices.
Contrary to how you see it Ryan, because we have VERY different views on things, does mean we have to be at odds. I'd still drink a beer with you and you might find interesting what I have to say, As I am sure I would what you had to say, we may agree on nothing, but then, that's what whiskey is for... let it go, if you can;t don;t worry... my last post on the subject. Good luck with them. I genuinely do respect your passion.
Thank you
Always good advice and for the record certain people who have contacted me about dogs have been referred elsewhere when I didn't think they were right for what I your homework, make sure you are getting what you want.
Your friend will be seeing my German dog after the season closes and I quit chasing birds long enough to go have a catchup so I would just ask that you reserve judgement until then. He won't be making any puppies in the meantime anyway.
RCGSP, people like you and Kawhia should be applauded for what you guys are doing for your chosen breed of dogs, its good to see
Seriously RC, no ill will. I applaud your efforts, we just see the world different but our passion is the same. Keep it up.