yeh no problem with it at all , some thing i will be looking more in to, in time....
the problem is , just because you import a few dogs does not make them good , it just makes them imported , very good starting point though
well you see my problem is i would like a few dogs from each breedha ha , i love them all
it would be cocker or setter or lab or springer ,, but need much much more time with all of them before i would commit to anything ......... its just some thing my dog obsessed mind thinks about ha ha
the lab and springer blood is here already so ....................
Sorry I forgot to reply to the original question
As Kawhia says, I chose to import the whole dog instead of just semen and I'm glad I did.
You took a smart way, you imported an older proven dog as opposed to an unproven pup. I reckon semen is good if it is from an dog of a proven performance, had all the traits you want, that was known to produce well, one that you had gone and seen for yourself - but semen for the sake of it I'm not so sure
Last edited by Pointer; 21-08-2012 at 10:42 PM.
Yeah getting a proven dog is important. Quick had sired 3 litters before I imported him and the German system allows assessment via test results but most importantly I had a good contact in Germany to look at dogs for me and assist in the process.
That part is the hardest part about importing dogs/semen, assessing dogs from half way around the world.
I was about to say the cockers have plenty of support too. Good luck with the new imports kawhia!
Is there much difference between the Cocker and Springer in both temperament and work
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question