When is she out of quarantine?
I believe it will be next Monday if all is good with her .
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
OK, fuck it...I'm in Brian... pick the right sire and, if you approve, I will take a dog pup... turning to the complete dark side...
LOL She is such a pretty little bitch in the nicest way ! Inti failed at the clinic the other day so unless we do another semen take it wont be him .We started out with joy joy joy with the vet saying around an 85 percent motility only to be shot down after a freeze and a 30 or less survival .
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Please can we have a really good foto, El B, please...this does her no justice at all...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
Nothing there to stop a live mating if he has 85% motility at his age
I have already agreed with my partner to breed with his dog first which was a woody breeding which suits me .Woody was a hard running ,smart and talented bird dog so if Johns dog leaves a bit of Woody there Ill be more than happy .Inti -a good dog with hunger to hunt but also wasted due to lack of field use and training sadly -he could have been really good I believe ...but that is what could have been had I kept focus .If he can do the job I will definitely let him have his day
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
you have a good window to A.I her after 18mths to something if you wanted to widen the gene pool...... it's what i would do.
I had an email from western Australia the other day from Ferrente Alverez de Toledo which was also quite exciting .... if your a Setter man I suppose LOL
Dear Brian,
I have a friend from Italy that might come to live in NZ near wellington in the next few month and will bring
along two good ES Father and daughter both excellent fast dogs even if only trained for hunting, very good in
scrub and rough terrain. Lets hope he will come and I will get him in touch with you.
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Good one El B.
Will be very interesting to see how she goes. Especially re fetching and rangeing.
There are other sires out there though. Woody was a great dog but is not the end of the world.