still a good weekend with nice grounds and birds is always a pleasure . good to see morrie working his gsp well also !! one red dog on sundays trial which makes for a change . 2 pointers , 2 english setters , 1 irish , i gsp , i gordon --no result
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
good day trialing , petros made a another work excuse and didnt show . 10 birds first day with robyn taking the win . i didnt write notes so only mine will get a mention --our heat failte was ahead of a bird on her beat and i walked it up -didnt see her go on the windward side but if they're in front they're gone burger .inti and his brace mate [pointed a bird but with movement they were out to --to much noise when the bird flew from the brace mate handler and me trying to sit inti to keep him out of trouble =noise confused dogs
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
The bed offer threw me off guard really... not sure if you wanted to snuggle El B.... hahaha...
In all seriousness appreciate the phone call...
I really wanted to be at the trials on the weekend, had my car all packed up then canceled last minute....
Congrats on Robyn... Stella is doing great for her age...
North Islands were held in the weekend with reasonable weather finally ! A good comp on Saturday with the braced open trial being won by Robyn with Tonto ..I think .. . The North Island Novice down the line being won by myself and Failte with a stunning little run producing 95/100 points . The Waikato champs on Sunday again won by Robyn with Tanner ,Dave Shelly second and my old dog Inti now 10 years old jointly taking 3rd place with Robyn.Great to see the winning dogs charging at high speed like missiles , its very impressive to see a dog work at the pace shown
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Auckland's gsp club ran its two champ trials in the weekend with a good little turn out of competitors .Dave Richardson flew up from the south island to judge and Mac MacArthur came up from Otorahonga to judge also -thanks to them both for their efforts ! Winner and cleaned up both contest with all her dogs was Robyn Gaskin .She looked like Santa Claus had just been with all she won .Dave Sheely was the only other winner with a second -Robyn's team took all other prizes -congratulations for her supreme efforts for the day .
My own dogs all got through all contests and with Feilte running brilliantly with only the retrieve letting us down.This was Failte's first ever pigeon retrieves in a trial so were on our way to getting that sorted and can concentrate on other areas to make her great -although completed with her I had to force the issue of the retrieve .up until the first retrieve I had lost 2 points -running super fast , good quartering and good find and points on the first trial -a little movement on the second but again great running . I though Dave Sheely had won with the run I saw his dog have and I think he was a little confident also but Robyn obviously had a few points on him to take a clean sweep .so ends the day
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question