there are not alot of versatile dogs running.Some of there versitile dogs can certainly hold their own against Setters -gun cola whip GWP for example
More that enter and are handled well would quite possibly see more winning
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Have a look at the NZGTA Jubilee catalogues - they record the winners of all the majors (NZ, NI and SI champs) over the years.
Plenty of Versatiles have done OK.
I myself won the North Islands with a GSP some years back --you just have to be in to win basically
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Exactly !![]()
Pointer, mite be able to get patch to Easter trials for you if youre going to be there
Sweet sounds good. Won't be at this weekends one
Over the last two days I attended the natural game trials on the new property secured by some of the Pointer and Setter club member's . Having gone around the property you see the immense personal and financial commitment that they have put into this new venue for the enjoyment of those that participate in the Natural game trials .
I turned up Friday night tot he shearers quarters on the property which were not at all bad and far more than adequate to house several people comfortable with the best showers I have been under ever I might add .There was also a house a few hundred meters away where some of the trialers also stayed and did communal dinners .
Saturday morning and we had the draw all very excited to get to know these knew grounds .The day was bloody hot and the drive in a bloody dust bowl but high numbers of birds were anticipated .Three braces in and we were fairly bird-less to the dismay of all --they were about just not near us at that stage .We were hunting under 8ft high or so bushy eucalyptus trees so the gallery most of the time really couldn't see all the dogs working and hence I cannot give a great write up about other dogs .My own dog had a few good braces and ended up in the final brace against Robyn Gaskin -always a pleasure to compete against Robyn as her dogs run well ....and win often !!! Walking through the trees I encountered Robyns dogs on point and called her in as I carried onto find my dog who had dropped over some where far far away in never never land ......... Robyn won after producing a Pheasant and my dog came back stuffed after some fun.
If you haven't done these trials they are a great weekend of hard out bird hunting filled with joy and tears ....internally of course lol .. but well worth the effort to assess what Fido is upto when under pressure of another competitive dog trying to find first .What is really interesting is you realize that they the dogs know they are competing !!
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Cheers for the write up, what do you think of the bird numbers?
I would say there are plenty of birds there .The Saturday was really hot and the birds were not in our first 3-4 braced areas in big numbers .Today with a bit of rain there were some funny happenings with dogs in one place and young birds footing it but coming in plain view of the gallery .Robyn and I had a strange thing happen as our dogs passed what looked to be a Ptarmigan -I shit you not a white with black spots bird ,tailless -- anyways some how neither dog scented it at all -Inti may have passed it a little high as when we actually saw it it ran and we carried the novice brace on .
Expect good numbers if there is a little rain
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
The heat and dry do things to ground scent...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
A good percentage of the birds released this year were from melanistic stock including a few whites. With the anticipated rain and another couple of weeks before the next trials conditions should improve re the dispersion of birds throughout the block. Both the trials held to date have seen all dogs encounter birds, many badly handled, due in part to difficulty in seeing the dogs and the action thus impeding both the handler and the judges. As time goes on and the birds mature and disperse, and with our novice dogs getting exposure to birds while all learn how to utilise the block will surely make for some very exciting and fun days.
For the record, this is private land, and a private venture(not a preserve) we have made accessible soley to the Pointer and Setter Club. Our thanks to those who have supported us and helped along the way to make it a success.
Welcome to the forum Te Ferrarri!!
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...