Ryen would have a better idea than I, but I think that land is possibly public? Or perhaps its private but access is relatively easy to obtain? So it sounds like it can get quite a lot of pressure which is possibly why the 'keepering' of it wasnt as successful as was hoped.
It is great land to run on though. Vastly different to anything I've ever experienced! Probably more akin to the land you're used to hunting on up north though Zharn?
Yes it is a on going problem that will get worse until we stop extreme leftism and get back to an agricultural utopia where people appreciate their food doesn't grow in a super market .Places with grounds are easy enough to find but it is places with grounds and live game that are hard to come by .There has been much grumbling over the years by the purist rather than the continental trialers about pigeon trials .I think many now must appreciate these trials even those whom I know are protagonist about this form of trialing must submit that at least they have a bird to point and shoot at . I think those that are very anti are not even trialing but moaning about these trials living in the past on glory they never really quite achieved
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
I was thinking this tonight that many that have achieved highly in the P&S scene have been people who have land , have pigeons and are breeders. Others have won of course but none more so than those with the means to practice their sport after work at home !
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Birds are one thing, pigeons are easy to keep and if you look around most people are able to find a nice spot to run a dog on birds. However, another thing you touched on is selection pressure. Average Joe buys one pup, and if its a dud he is stuck with it. A guy who breeds his own picks the best, usually has the facilities to run a few of the litter on, instantly putting him at a better start with the better raw material - the best of the litter
Im going to run some traps with RCGSP when he comes back from Rathmoy,anyone interested on a days training?
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
homing pigeons -build a box on a stand put food in it shut the door and ?? I know nothing of keeping them
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
You just summarized it nicely. They don't call them flying rats for no reason
I think the release program they had there didn't really pan out either. I think Waitotara grounds were public, where they were releasing them was adjoining private land and the birds didn't last long
it is hard to believe they would have even bothered with a release program on public land ????????? its open to all and rightfully so without question .
We need a central location on a large mid north Island farm where a program could evolve for the good of P&S trials .
A breeding program of scale is no mean feat -Z you know Zippys Avery was very large and has to be managed well -who would do this for a club nad what would it cost ?? Ultimately it is upto us to make contacts and get friendly interested farmers on side that have land worthy of trialing on .Even land of interest is hard to find for a trial that one could conduct this sort of program on -its not as though we have the equal of a UK moor that has low consistent cover
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question