the funny thing is Gibo is I commented on something that is true as much as it sounded snobby it doesn't make it any less true as much as people hate to admit it , the casual NZ style is just that.
Tweed isnt for everyone but I never have never said it was,just my personal choice .
My comments that I stand by are the dress standard for events in NZ isnt great , in fact NZ males in general are seen as very average dressers and that would certainly include myself most of the time . I enjoy seeing photos from years ago when people really had pride in dress standards when doing sports, sadly were keep loosing little bits of the old life year after year and generation to generation .As far as trialing goes pigeon trials could easily be a collar and tie affair -wild game trials not .Just my views though.
And Upnorthuplander what a shame you had to take a good post and make it negative with Petros liking it WTF
You should have said congratulations to the winners bloody good effort
Last edited by el borracho; 06-11-2013 at 02:10 PM.
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
no , but it does annoy me given how much people have flayed their backs raw about my personal likes and dislikes and observations that you would want to turn a new post into a shit potential fight again .
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
If Katrina has a problem with my sense of humour then I know she will let me know, but you need to get over it and see the comment for what it actually is.
Is that the first win for your pointer TeFerrarri?
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Actually the win was one of many firsts for the day which
I chose NOT to brag over
I wouldn't see it as you bragging sharing that with us TeFerrarri
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
hehehe yeah I dress as a tall poppy at the trials wouldn't want anyone else doing it ehnext time ill wear me stubbies and red bands so you dont get upset , wouldnt want to be different
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
You didn't answer the question, why are they dressed as they are?
sorry was that a question to me --thats what many Kiwis are used to and where the modern age has taken what people wear in NZ .Pretty standard stuff . Personally Pointer at pigeon trials my preference would be a collar and tie .
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
It was an open question, but was hoping to hear your response. Do you see any of these people belittling others dress sense, and then asking others on a public internet forum for other alternatives to their ridiculous garb as their choice isn't practical?
I think collar and tie would be very nice, nothing wrong with that at all. Shows respect to both your fellow competitors and the sport.