it would be hard as the terrain is for the very fit and they are not in great numbers
it would be hard as the terrain is for the very fit and they are not in great numbers
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Would be a good test of a hunting dog
equally for people
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
It's gonna be pretty basic pigeon stuff to start but it's a start.
Nov 4th I believe. I'll get all the details when I head back north after the trials this weekend.
I don't see why not
i was wandering if it was a step to seperating the two..HPRs and P&S
ps..i will be trialling my new pointer and am keen to help out setting up HPR trials when the time comes
Last edited by upnorth uplander; 12-09-2012 at 12:58 PM.
I see no need to separate the two.
The idea of the HPR trials is to encompass both upland bird work and retrieving and eventually allow for work on fur in an attempt to more accurately mimic hunting demands.
so we can run spaniels in them too.
If they point, sure
so it's not a hpr trial then.
why not just get a live game element going within the pointer setter format........ you already have judges that are qualified for live game spaniels in it.
i have alot of respect for your 'just do it' mentality, but charging in under the HPR flag may actually be premature at this stage.
and once again i'm not having a go at you.
Australian National Kennel Council
they call HPR's utility dogs in oz........... they also appear to have both N/A testing and trials for such dogs.
How is it not an HPR trial? Hunt, point, retrieve.
I don't see how it's premature. It's been talked about for years and nothing concrete has happened yet.
It's a very basic step at this point. Everything else is theoretical down the line. I think it's time to run an event and see who actually shows up and runs. Then we can advance the format from there as best as possible. There's no use in just talking about it or holding out for some very complicated or advanced format in which no one will run or complete. To gain momentum we need a starting point and an event with good attendance.
I just see no need to exclude pointers if they are capable of completing the work as the continentals are not excluded from PS trials if they are capable of completing the work. The setters and pointers are recognized by NAVHDA.
there are steps that need to be taken if you actually want to set something up that will actually stand the test of time.... the first small steps have already been taken, nzkc and nzgta will require an indept set of standards/rules for such trials, and like anything to do with them it will take time.
as a rule we follow the uk trial formats, any advancement in hpr trialling in this country will follow the uk, the same as the spaniels.
setters and pointers are not classed as HPR's under the uk system, in fact they have as of this week moved into official status as a separate format.
the time is getting close to approach nzgta, to adopt the hpr format for live game........ i disagree with the fact all that has been done is talk.
do your home work and have a look at whats happening in those other countries with the little union jacks in the flag corners.
look into whats been tried here in the past, you may find the auckland gsp club sunk the last decent attempt....... i'm sure bob will tell you the story.
talk to the guys who set up the live game spaniel format, they too just got stuck in and done it, but they made sure they had the instruction book before hand................ and didn't run non spaniels for starters lol.