the point is all the rules in the world make f all difference if the will or ability to enforce them isnt there.rules will not stop the backyarders never have never will
there are quite strong rules now to deal with animal cruelty but if judges dont impose real penalties wheres the deterrent?
theres plenty of knee jerk rules made that mostly turn out to only penalise the law abiding but well thought out consultive rules worked thru by actual end users are practicly non existent.
the spca are to compromised to consult on cruelty and hunting/working dog matters because they hate both thinking making a dog do what it was breed for is a breach of its civil rights.
safe ??enough said thier christmas bash at little river was a eye opener to thier rediculous vegatables for all mania.
leave all animals free wild and with a unfettered lack of control on them.
they,d be the first to moan if stock got killed wandering where it shouldnt but ofcourse we shouldnt be farming in the first place

i had a bit of sympathy for many of thier positions on factory farming still do but old hans im afraid is batshit crazy in his hippie, sandal, sweater, world.