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Thread: Time to submit against tail docking and dew claw removal ban (they never give in )

  1. #106
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Perhaps being affiliated to the NZKC for the trialing of gundogs would be a good idea...I have attended a few annual general meetings (NZGTA) and I must say there were some rather acrimonious moments...nothing out of the norm with a room full of people all very passionate about their breeds and furthering the interest be it for all and/or for themselves...however, the gundog fraternity would have to insist on a trialist to be party to the executive...the likes of rally-o people would never get it...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Why anyone would think its a good idea for multiple, smaller, gun-dog groups to be directly affiliated to the NZKC is completely beyond me. The NZKC have already shown that they are not acting in our (and dogs) interests by ignoring the NZGTA on the docking issue......you would have even less chance of being listened to as an even smaller minority.
    Wirehunt, Pointer and EeeBees like this.

  3. #108
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    as a group we have not had a seat at the NZKC table that was anything other than there to make up the numbers.
    spread too thin with too many inactive or struggling regional clubs has weakened a once strong voice.
    the current state of affairs with NZGTA is with NZKC at the moment so we await a ruling from the people elected on our behalf.
    if it is anything like the stab in the back over tail docking, having a plan B is not such bad idea.
    the respective clubs are in fact very strong in there own right.

  4. #109
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    My thoughts too. I'd imagine going the way of the Europeans where the breed clubs hold their own trials might be an option

  5. #110
    Join Date
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    it's pretty much the same as what we have here, all fall under the FCI.
    the only point of difference is the breed and field trial / test clubs are listened too.

  6. #111
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gqhoon View Post
    Why anyone would think its a good idea for multiple, smaller, gun-dog groups to be directly affiliated to the NZKC is completely beyond me. The NZKC have already shown that they are not acting in our (and dogs) interests by ignoring the NZGTA on the docking issue......you would have even less chance of being listened to as an even smaller minority.
    Because at the moment they all exist and are affiliated to the NZGTA and then the NZKC. Maybe cutting out the middle ground isn;t a bad idea?
    It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person! It is near impossible with a stupid person!
    Rebelwood Gundog Training

  7. #112
    Join Date
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    As all changes, judges appointments and Cc go through the nzkc anyway maybe you have a point.
    Not a shit show that 3 women could hire a lawyer and bankrupt the nzkc is it........ Sad that it comes down to who has the deepest pockets.

  8. #113
    GSP is offline
    Member GSP's Avatar
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    Earlier problems requiring lawyer fees before this latest issue. Even if these people are right, they are still destroying an association that will reflect on all gundog trials, all the volunteers that get out there to make a day of it for everyone. Very sad business indeed.

  9. #114
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    the earlier problems were also with the sinclairs.

  10. #115
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Email from the MPI lady...mmmmmmmmmmm...she wrote...the tail banding was "particularly contentious"....
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Good afternoon,

    As you are aware, MPI developed a package of proposed regulations relating to the care and conduct of animals and surgical and painful procedures. The proposed regulations were put out for public consultation in April/May 2016. The consultation period was followed by public meetings across the country, as well as the Companion Animals Workshop on 11 May 2015.

    You are receiving this email because you have made a submission in relation to proposal 62 relating to the docking of dogs’ tails. This email is to inform you of our plans in relation to the dog tail docking proposal.

    Since the public consultation period, our priority has been on the bobby calves and live animal export proposals; a number of which are now in place.

    Our focus is now turning to the rest of the regulatory proposals. We have now had the opportunity to review the submissions on dog tail docking, and recognise that the issue is particularly contentious. Therefore, we would like to engage a further, independent process to assist us in determining the best way forward with this proposal.

    We will be commissioning an overseas expert to review all of the submissions we have received, along with the Act, Code of Welfare for Dogs and any additional relevant science. We are asking the expert to come to a determination on a number of questions that will then guide us in whether and/or how this proposal should be progressed.

    We are now finalising a terms of reference document for the independent reviewer. The questions for determination that we will be asking the reviewer will help us to decide whether any pain or distress caused by tail docking is unreasonable or unnecessary in terms of the Animal Welfare Act; and whether in any event tail docking is a significant surgical procedure according to amendments made to the Act last year.

    We want to give you with the opportunity to provide any additional information relevant to the issues outlined in the above questions for the reviewer to take into account. Please note this additional information will not be recorded as a formal submission as the public consultation period is now closed. However, it will be forwarded to the independent reviewer and will form part of their brief for review.

    Please can you provide this additional information to me at Nicky.Wynne@mpi.govt.nz by no later than 5pm 6 November 2016.

    If you would like to discuss anything further, please call either myself (04 894 2446) or Phillipa Aldridge (04 894 2616).

    Kind regards,

    Nicky Wynne | Senior Policy Analyst
    Biosecurity & Animal Welfare Policy | Policy and Trade
    Ministry for Primary Industries | Pastoral House, 25 The Terrace | PO Box 2526 | Wellington | New Zealand
    Telephone: (04) 894 2446| Web: Home | MPI - Ministry for Primary Industries. A New Zealand Government Department.
    fingers crossed they get someone with some commonsence
    EeeBees likes this.

  12. #117
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    I certainly hope so, @gsp follower...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  13. #118
    Join Date
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    It looks like common sense, or at least the Scottish version of it, may have broken out

    More reading on the issue as presented to their parliament here:
    Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on the Proposal to Permit Tail Docking of Working Spaniels and Hunt Point Retrievers

  14. #119
    Join Date
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    it is a shame the council of docked breeds which looks after the accreddited tail banders has an all or nothing approach in regards to defending the right to dock.
    they do not in any way have a back up plan for working gundogs, it is up to the nzgta and the various gundog clubs to ask for the same exceptions as the uk.
    Ruff and EeeBees like this.



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