if that is directed at me GQHOON you've lost me, Im not against the tests .I believe in competitions to show skill and I support testing systems -if my standard makes you feel embarrassed so be it -we all have our standards
if that is directed at me GQHOON you've lost me, Im not against the tests .I believe in competitions to show skill and I support testing systems -if my standard makes you feel embarrassed so be it -we all have our standards
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
The second paragraph referred to the significance that many seem to put on placings. As if the dog's actual performance is no longer relevant. I believe this to be fundamentally flawed. Take it as you will.
The third paragraph was absolutely directed at you. Your arrogance on the subject of trialling and competition is an embarrassment to anyone who has trialled.
[QUOTE=gqhoon;89065]The second paragraph referred to the significance that many seem to put on placings. As if the dog's actual performance is no longer relevant. I believe this to be fundamentally flawed. Take it as you will. I cannot see what you mean here GQHOON -Please show me the passage you mean ??
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
DO TELL -which passage![]()
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
I am glad some others have jumped in here. I could not believe how arrogant and condesending Ruffs comment was. Also Elboraccho go along and watch a NZVHDTA test someday. There are some bloody good dogs tested, there are also some that need a hell of a lot of work. But people are told how there dog performed and are given helpfull, constructive advice on what to do to improve. No they aren't ranked 1st, 2nd 3rd etc. But they are measured against a standard, by the consensis (sp?) of three judges.
As I have said and you will read back on the pages "I support the test " but I believe in competing dog against dog to see the difference in skill level and performance -thats plainly offends some -I wont go on with why that might be !!!
It is like saying a dart player needs to do several test to show his competency but lets not see how he actually performs against another and see the difference over time with performance .I also mentioned this performance testing over time a page or two back .
Only one can win but that doesn't make others crap -just some you will see come out better more consistently --im always going to look at that dog
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Go read about the breed you own el b, go read the STANDARD.
Wirehunt for what purpose ? the expectations of the breeds are similar although the versatile is expected to do more - I had a GSP before the Setter although he was certainly not trained to meet all that a versatile could do -I only hunt upland game -well in the early days with the GSP I shot a lot of fur over him which was fun .I always evented him though and loved it -win or lose !!!
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
This thread was started by someone who genuinely (I believe) wanted to know more about the VHDTA system, and what it means to test Natural Ability. Unfortunately it has been turned into a farce by those who have never tested in it, or even observed it for that matter, and clearly have little understanding of it.
As for the inuendo about why some choose Testing over competative Trials, I suggest you look a little harder at those of us who do Test, as some of us have also Trialled and have acquitted ourselves quite well.
I take my hat off to guys life you GQHOON who have made the effort and do both !!! I haven't done the test myself as when I had a versitile we didn't have the test here as we do now .If I had a versatile I would participate and trial to get the most out of both sport and dog
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question