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Thread: Versatile hunting dog test

  1. #61
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I have really only finished my dog of this year myself --I say that but lets see his retrieve on the dead Pigeon at the North Islands before I say that with confidence -he is doing ok in most other aspects .Personally even if I hadn't got him finished off Id run cause I do enjoy it -that may piss others off but as you would appreciate with training it is an ongoing process
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Standards and testing, a hand in hand thing.

    As I sit there is a mate 'just there' writing the standard for a part of NZ search dogs. It's set piece stuff and different standards for different levels of dogs. They are tested to the standard and get either a pass or fail.
    **If it's a fail they get a few tips on the day and more tuition at a later date.

  3. #63
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GSP View Post
    You work on it quite well, don't you Ruff. Keep up the good work, I am sure there are a number of people who read the two NZ forums who will never set foot in a trial or test because of the put downs they read on these forums, and they probably think the clubs are full of such people too.

    In the early 70's about the time the Nth American Versatile Hunting Dog Assn was formed, Geoff Sutherland formed a similar club in NZ, The NZ Versatile Hunting Dog Assn. It ran for maybe 3 years then suddenly gone. Geoff told me only a few years ago that a friend travelling back from a test in a vehicle listened to a few of the members plotting to get rid of Geoff, take over the Assn and run things their way. So he walked away and that was that. A potentially great idea back in the days of plentiful hunting opportunities, ruined.

    I am glad a few spoke up here because few do. I mean, who wants to leave themselves open for personal attacks? But until the genuine gundog folk do stand up and say ENOUGH, then this continuous running down of clubs, testing and can only have a very detrimental outcome for the gundog world in NZ.
    Surprised to see you agreeing with me... but you're right. the issue is with people who put their own standing and input above the goal of achieving better dogs... I can cite the instances... I hear some people even struggle to get their hands on the officiating documents and yet they want to participate and promote it, but some peoples own agendas prevent this.. you're absolutely correct.. it's quite pitiful.

  4. #64
    GSP is offline
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    You must be talking about the Working Spaniel club perhaps, because as a VHDTA member I can go into the club website members section and find what information I require.
    Isn't it about time you minded your own business and stopped running down clubs you have absolutely nothing to do with.

  5. #65
    HF1 is offline
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    Ignore all the 'conversations' on here and come along to a trial.

    You will be pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the people you meet and their willingness to help you.

    Even if you don't have an interest in giving trialling a 'go' it's a good day out. You won't always agree with the judges' opinion as to which is the best dog because you will have your own ideas about what you expect from your dog but you will meet some good people.

    My dogs will never be in the winner's circle but we enjoy ourselves - most of the time
    EeeBees likes this.

  6. #66
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HF1 View Post
    Ignore all the 'conversations' on here and come along to a trial.

    You will be pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the people you meet and their willingness to help you.

    Even if you don't have an interest in giving trialling a 'go' it's a good day out. You won't always agree with the judges' opinion as to which is the best dog because you will have your own ideas about what you expect from your dog but you will meet some good people.

    My dogs will never be in the winner's circle but we enjoy ourselves - most of the time
    +1 even Im nice eh HF1and in time you will advance HF1 to the winners podium
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by HF1 View Post
    Ignore all the 'conversations' on here and come along to a trial.

    You will be pleasantly surprised by the friendliness of the people you meet and their willingness to help you.

    Even if you don't have an interest in giving trialling a 'go' it's a good day out. You won't always agree with the judges' opinion as to which is the best dog because you will have your own ideas about what you expect from your dog but you will meet some good people.
    How would someone find out when? where etc. Cheers

  8. #68
    Member upnorth uplander's Avatar
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    Theres 4 days of live game trials over easter weekend in Taupo

  9. #69
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirehunt View Post
    Get a hold of Margaret Cotton via the website posted already KB, she is after somewhere to hold one up north.
    and there in lies a MASSIVE part of the problem... she has found people before... they won;t do it again... once burned... These tests can have merit when they are run properly by hunters for hunters, not doggie people playing hunting... it's the same thing that runs through most competitive dog hunting pursuits... when it gets hijacked by the "doggie brigade" it gets screwed.

  10. #70
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GSP View Post
    You must be talking about the Working Spaniel club perhaps, because as a VHDTA member I can go into the club website members section and find what information I require.
    Isn't it about time you minded your own business and stopped running down clubs you have absolutely nothing to do with.
    Margaret Cotton... don;t try and throw shit my way... I stand for better dogs. I believe the versatile tersting system has merit and can be of use, but no while YOU hold it to ransom. The members area of the assn is a joke... it is here for ANYONE to see Versatile Hunting Dog Test ASSN (NZ)

    Until people with their own persponal agenda piss off and leave this to people that hunt game with dogs... instead of doggie ladies who own a hunting breed it will advance no more. Mick, back the right horse.... while you pander to this crap you are part of the problem... I know some of the best handlers in this country would embrace these tests if certain people had the nads to help get rid of the dead wood holding this assn to ransom.... and for the record Margeret, the Working Spaniel Club is a finely run democracy and doesn;t have the issues that haver plagued your group from day one because it is a democracy... you have run events in the North, no one does it twice after dealing with you! So, are yu still, after all these years, looking for someone else to take this on in the north????
    Last edited by Ruff; 29-03-2013 at 04:22 PM.

  11. #71
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    By the way, how do I get hold of a copy of the documents that guide how this assn should run... you know... the ones sent from overseas,m from the parent body... can anyone interested get a copy of that, or is that something you hold hidden for only you GSP (MArgeret Cotton) to have possession and knowledge of????

    Shouldn;t anyone interested be privy to knowing what this whole thing is about, why in the hell would anything be private????

  12. #72
    HF1 is offline
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    Have a look on the Gun Dog Trial Assn website and contact the secretary of a club near you. They will be able to tell you when they have club trials coming up - non championship - and you'll be able to go along and see what happens.

    The South Auckland Club has a club trial on 7 April at Onewhero but trials are pretty much off the agenda during the game bird season as many of the handlers are out hunting with their dogs.

  13. #73
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    No wonder I just train the mutts and go hunting....
    Grim, Pointer and Petros_mk like this.

  14. #74
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirehunt View Post
    No wonder I just train the mutts and go hunting....
    Exactly, which among many testing/trial people makes you am minorioty... it needs more people interesteed in taking their mutts hunting and not just playing "doggie games". Great hunting dog potential is ruined by people with their own agenda's... very rarely there for better dogs.

  15. #75
    Member Ruff's Avatar
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    Wirehunt, I understand where you come from, but understand where I COME FROM....I am for hunting dogs for hunters... this is often clouded by doggie people for doggie people playing hunting dogs with their non hunters which they believe are hunting dogs because the kennel club says they are "gundogs". The Versatile assn tests have a lot of merit, but have been bastardised because very few people who actually HUNT are involved. The versatile test has a lot ot recommend it, but only if it is overseen by hunters for hunters wanting to produce better hunting dogs... while it is held to ransom by peple with part time hunters wanting to try and gain a credential nto claim they hunt, it's kind of screwed.
    I know members of this group who cannot, are not allowed, to viuew documents pertaining to the running of the assn because a certain person involved believes this is information only SHE should have... it's just bullshit... You can think I'm a wanker if you want, I don;t give a monkeys, but I do get my dander up when something that has the potential to be great for all, especially great for better dogs, is turned into a complete sham by one persons ego or delirium.... If I'm wrong, why does it seem so tough to ever get one person to host an event twice in the north island? Why do none of the people, I can name them, who have dedicated their lives to better gundogs not want a bar of this system or the person who keeps a strangle hold on it.



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