With breeding any stock - dogs included having good sound high performing near relatives and back ancestry is the most important thing. Whilst an outstanding individual can sometimes arise from mediocre parents, outstanding parents are far more likely to produce outstanding offspring. Ritchy McCaw being more likely to sire allblacks than Danny Devito
What this means as far as a Vizsla pup is that 'pedigree' stock is far less important than outstanding stock.
Vizsla's are not without their faults as a pure breed - they feel the cold badly, they are bouncy neurotic patting addicts, bitches esp. are soft and a bit timid. They are not naturally 'steady'
I have never laid eyes on one but from what I have read, I think that the Wire hair Vizsla would be better, the breed being originally formed through a cross of the smooth coated Hungarian Vizsla with the German Wirehaired pointer.