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Thread: *Rant* Deer Dog BluePrint

  1. #46
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Seventenths View Post
    I bumped into a few people who he worked with who had a few stories. They were somewhat dark on the way he's marketed the programme claiming it was his invention when the knowledge was actually passed onto him. Their not annoyed he's made it into a product, their just annoyed he's talked himself up and lied about what he's done and where he learnt the knowledge from!

    Ironically I even bumped into his father who confirmed what I was told and I bumped into Paul himself who was a real piece of work!
    How ya going mate

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
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  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobba View Post
    On special now $327 NZ for the lot.
    Well worth in the long run if your real serious about it, seen a hand full of his videos and his style of training is similar to how of trained my dogs.
    What I do see a lot is guys watching the videos and half arsed follow through with the training. As well as not putting the time into the dog in the hills on animals with minimal control over the dog letting the dog do as it wants. They would be better of being pig dogs with tracking collars doing the runner for half the day, and losing your voice screaming for him to come back.
    tamamutu likes this.



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