I had a Springer Spaniel, and had I had her whole coat trimmed in summer. I also had to keep her paws trimmed all the time, as grass seed would stick in there in no time. Never had the seed work it's way right in, but bloody close on occassions. Ears were another problem. If you have a woolly dog - be vigilant.!
Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion
I wouldn't know about short coated dogs... I've heard seeds get stuck in them too easily. The likes of GSPs etc have short coat but its thick . when a seed goes in it, it will travel around. As long as it has somewhere to exit it won't be an issue. once it hits a spot of no return it will continue to go forward through the skin...
Just started hunting through my photos from couple years ago... and here is how it looked like.
Photo one is just the inflamation on the skin. You can sort of see the entry point of the seed. quite a unusual entry point as it was on right at the bottom of the chest. Vet thought it was just an infection from a scratch or simply the dog banged itself bit hard. He was on antibiotic for about 10 days but I wasn't very happy as the inflammation and redness settled but a small lump still was present. I went to a completely separate vet for a second opinion and got told to be conservative and go on antibiotics for a bit longer. then wait an if it inflamed again then go to surgery... I was still not satisfied because the seed was very close to the dogs chest and diaphragm... I ended up going to the vet next morning scheduling a surgery to open the wound up and check ASAP... 2 hours later got a call telling me it was a seed. The vet kept it for a souvenir. So I'm pretty freaked out about seeds sense then...
Entry point
Burst of Inflamation
Actual seed
And here is him all fine and well
Last edited by Petros_mk; 17-01-2014 at 07:39 PM.
That sucks mate , which one was it.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
That sucks Wirehunt.![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Wirehunt, my thoughts are with you. It is so dreadful losing a dog...
Paspallum is another grass that can cause dogs quite serious aggravation...it can create an eczema of sorts...washing the afflicted area with condys crystals helps relieve it or just normal saline...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
My Irish Water Spaniel was put to sleep because a grass seed had got into her coat. When I shaved her side it was a mess. In theory only south east England has the sort of grass that does this damage but somehow my dog picked one up in Northern Ireland. Never heard of it penetrating the brain before but anything is possible. Sounds really nasty.
Note to all. This was a short coated bitch. Never even crossed my mind cause of that.
Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Tapatalk
Mate that is rough and I am extremely sorry to read of your loss.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
So sorry to hear of this loss. Thanks for the heads up. I had 1 dog that got a seed in her ear but was lucky as I got on to it Quickly.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Just had the Spaniel to the vet AGAIN to get Barley grass seed out of the ear, Perferated the ear drum this time. Has come right up through the paw and out the top on another occasion.
Got on Trademe and bought an Otoscope ? and a set of surgical clamps for about $25 all up so hopefully that will help in future.
Sorry about your Dog Wirehunt.
That really sucks, had my new lab in at the vets last week, she was sneezing constantly for close to a hour, decided to run her in to the vets straight away. Found to be a barley grass seed lodged right up in the back of her nose. Vet struggled to get it out but eventually did. Could have been alot worse of I had of left it overnight and it had gotten into her lungs. Just lucky that the sneezing made it obvious