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Thread: Bo is sad

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    This thread brought back memories. Our Shepard (Stacy) was 10ish when we got our Collie/lab cross (Bo). She really mothered him and they were inseparable, after she died Bo was acting depressed for weeks and then my brothers dogs had a litter. So even after 3-4 months it still took him a few weeks to bond with the new pup (Cookie), they're great friends now but nothing like what it was like before.
    Basically I don't think there is any magic fix, as others have said plenty of love and attention. Don't rush into getting a new pup unless it's right for you as well.
    Name:  DSCF0028.JPG
Views: 166
Size:  4.52 MB
    Stacy & Bo
    Name:  IMG-20160511-WA0000.jpg
Views: 101
Size:  103.5 KB
    Bo & Cookie

  2. #32
    Full of shit Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    South Island
    Quote Originally Posted by norsk View Post
    Take him to Waimate,then when he gets back to Oamaru he will realise how lucky he is.
    I think actually current living situation isn't helping him either, he grew up with deer out the front door, hunting two or three times a week minimum, out on the farm everyday with hills and bush, the pomahaka river and all sorts of fun shit for a dog, now we live on a big flat featureless square
    270 is a harmonic divisor number[1]
    270 is the fourth number that is divisible by its average integer divisor[2]
    270 is a practical number, by the second definition
    The sum of the coprime counts for the first 29 integers is 270
    270 is a sparsely totient number, the largest integer with 72 as its totient
    Given 6 elements, there are 270 square permutations[3]
    10! has 270 divisors
    270 is the smallest positive integer that has divisors ending by digits 1, 2, …, 9.

  3. #33
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    It's a fine looking farm for all that. Herbert forest is just down the road.get a permit and get out and explore
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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