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Thread: Could be time to go...

  1. #31
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Above the Hutt
    1) secure kennel and run

    2) how much "supervised" exercise is this dog getting ? not the escaping kind
    Pointer and HF1 like this.
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  2. #32
    Member Tristan's Avatar
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    what about one of those electronic boundries, or even a shock collar, watch from inside and shock the hell out of it if it tries to get out

  3. #33
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    I find it fascinating that the forum is suggesting euthanising a dog for his owners simple lack of management.

    Respectfully BH, it's not the dogs problem, its yours. Manage your dog.

    Not only will a secure kennel and run stop him roaming, it protects him from harm, being run over on the road, dog fights etc. There are also a few great psychological reasons that make kennels with runs an advantage, it may even restore the poor bond you described with the dog.
    Timmay and EeeBees like this.

  4. #34
    Member Petros_mk's Avatar
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    Kennel and a Run nothing better in the world for unsupervised dogs... During the day dogs will sleep and chill 80% of the time anyways...I take my dog out in the morning and evening, and I am the one allowing that, and he is the happiest dog every when he hears the car drive in at 5.30 evening.
    I go to work with peace and no worries that I'll get a pound fee or worse a car driving over him in middle of Auckland.
    The biggest mistake I made when I got the pup was that I didn't have a kennel and a run right from the start.

    Kennel and a run is not a prison for the dog, its home. you won't have RSPCA knocking on your door thats for sure. No need for shock collars or any electric expensive stuff. Just a simple closed space for the dog and exercise. Nothing complicated in this.
    With $1500 you can build a 5star hotel for him

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Personally I'm not a fan of the run style kennel much preferring kennel and chain.

  6. #36
    HF1 is offline
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    My dogs have insulated kennels to keep them warm in winter and cool in summer. Their runs are about 1.2m wide and 2m long (excluding the kennels).

    I have shade cloth over the top in summer and in winter I put tarps on to keep the rain off (otherwise they get their feet wet and the blankets in their beds get wet) plus the plastic dog beds - and in the winter I have felt door flaps I put up to keep the warmth in the kennels - totally spoilt.

    They go in there for about 10 hours a day with meaty bones to keep them busy and are quite happy. If I'm at home they usually loaf around sleeping on their beds inside anyway so putting them in a run isn't cruel. Most dogs don't worry about going running around unless there is a reason for it.

    Being confined in a run keeps them safe and mine get a decent run every night plus longer runs at the weekend.

    I never have to worry that they are going to get out the gate and get picked up by the dog rangers.
    Pointer and Kumoe like this.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    pirongia waikato
    WHIP IT !

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Kennel and run and only allowed out when supervised as ebf has stated
    Youll get a much better dog by doing so
    Pointer likes this.

  9. #39
    Member outinabout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Sapper View Post
    Sounds like you may be "changing her mind."
    If not consider one of these.

    It's cost is probably less than two dog impounding fees and you can take it with you if you shift..............Assuming you take the dog as well :>)
    I too had to deal with an escape dog- innotek contain and train collar--No more fines.No more problem.
    Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.



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