It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person! It is near impossible with a stupid person!
Rebelwood Gundog Training
Yes, I have shot a lot of deer over my life time and trained a hell of a lot of dogs for it too. Anyone that thinks I don't have experience as a deer hunter is wrong. Granted I haven't gone on a serious deer stalk in 10 years or so, but in the early 90's living on Poronui and working for Heli-SIka I could go for a hunt after work from my house. I also hunted all over the CNI.
Having worked with dogs for most all hunting disciplines, I reiterate, training a deer dog, if done properly, is the easiest of them all.
It is difficult to win an argument with an intelligent person! It is near impossible with a stupid person!
Rebelwood Gundog Training
Ya selling yourself short Jack?
Mate I had limited experience training a dog to hunt when I got my pup. Still dont have all the answers. There was no internet forum like this when I started out with him either. There is some excellent people with free advice on here that will be sure too guide you when you ask.
I just spent a lot of time on the basics. I made sure he could sit, stay, heel etc and also on hand signal. Thats about it. He honestly did the rest. I shot a few animals with him at the heel and even tho they were easy too find I let him find them and made a wee fuss over him. He seemed to get the gist and was away from there. We both had our bad days and he wasnt the perfect dog but I learnt a lot. He made me a lot of money when I was meat shooting. He went everywhere with me, he even done a heap of time in helicopters. He died over a year ago and hunting just isnt the same without him.
I reckon some people expect way too much out of their dogs. Get one you want,teach him the basic manners and teach them well and with guidence the rest will fall into place.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
R93 and Tahr - Thanks a lot guys, might be right on the selling myself short thing, i just didnt wanna pay good money for a dog and fuck it up and end up with a useless thing good for nothing. So I've be mindful of that.
Good call on the bitch Tahr - definitely not keen on a dog but dunno if i'd worry about spaying, I've got no intensions on going through the hassle of breeding, never been interested in that.
Phil - I'll get on it man and have a squiz!
I've got one more question that is more important than anything to do with hunting. Whether I go with GSP or GWP which is better or are they as good with families? I have 3 brothers and sisters under ten that I visit (they live on the old mans farm where I hunt from) that will be around the dog so it has to be good with them. Also, I know it sounds lame but thinking ahead, I'm probably going to have kids in the next ten years and I need something thats going to be safe with them as well. Are both breeds good? which would be friendlier more affectionate to kids?
My wire is beautiful natured. I think it is more how you raise them than a specific breed thing. We teach dogs good and bad habits.
Just go for what you like; a bit of rough, or clean shaven.
I agree and thats what I reckon will make it all the better for me and hunting. Its the same with my bow its like going back to the start all over again. I mean its good being able to stay cool and calm now when you see a good deer in the bush or across a valley but I miss that adrenaline surge and the burning in my stomach and bow hunting brings that back so I'm sure having a dog will too.
The other thing is, hunting is all that I do, I only put it aside when I'm spending time with the missus, and its such a loners thing to do (at least around here theres not many people to hunt with) which I dont mind because I dont really need any company other than the bush and my gun but I'd love to have a mate to share it all with and for a bit of compant so thats why I really want a dog.
And your probably not far wrong TAHR, I've shot off an email to sambarman and thats what I'm pretty set on but the missus just hates the wirehairs and thats what made me consider otherwise mostly. The only thing I've heard negative of both breeds is that GSP can be whiny and needy and wirehairs can be aloof and not great towards strangers. but again its probably all in the raising of them
That's good advice I reckon... except the bit about Ruff... dodgy character that
I've never met Sambarman myself but people I know and respect here in NZ speak highly of him so you're probably on the right track there.
I have a 2.5yr old GWP. His dad was a Drathaar and his mum a GWP used for deer and thar down south - neither are from what many would consider proven working lines.
Aside from all of Tahr's advice the best piece of advice I can give you is - there's no need to go it alone eh. I have been lucky enough to get along side people that know dogs (through local gundog club) and more importantly know GWP's. I thought I had an unruly headcase on my hands; in reality I do have my hands full with him but that's probably says more about me as a handler than him as a dog!
The reality is he's a 2.5yr old male GWP with his nuts in. He tests me every day; has a strong hunt and prey drive; wicked nose and more energy than I know what to do with. Some days he's the ducks nuts, others I want to put him in a hole in the ground.
I've probably got more things wrong that right and that's probably been the biggest lesson. I hate being wrong!
Tahr is dead right - don't rush things. I did and have spent the last 6 months laying a new foundation. They're a dog that doesn't hit thier straps till 4-5 years old.
GWP's aren't a dog that suffers fools mate - they'll happily take the reins and run the show if you let them... and if you try and stop them with a heavy (unreasonbale) hand they will flip you the bird and run it anyway.
Keep things simple (see basic training) and consistent; be the boss; put them on game and they will work thier ass off for you.
People are only strangers the first time he meets them. After that he couldn't care less if they come or go - unless they're going with me... without him.
He's awesome with our 20 month old daughter... that might mean something to your missus
We knocked our first legit deer over before xmas and he has his first P&S trial at the end of Feb.
Last edited by popgun; 30-01-2013 at 01:38 PM.
Welcome to the forum popgun
Yeah nah bro
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.
Long time listener... first time caller![]()
And that is where the 6.5x55 followed by .308 win everytime
The best dog in the world is next to useless if it spends all it's time at home only to go bush once every 6 months. There is just not enough bush time for your dog to train you.
So when you get your dog spend time in the bush getting to know each other. And don't put your mrs on the back burner or it may end up in an ultimatum