Out on the farm with the dogs burning off our burn pile.
Spent a couple of hours with Paul Hutton. Training coming along ok. Be better if I could spend more time with her but family pulling together on consistent approach.
Out on the farm with the dogs burning off our burn pile.
Spent a couple of hours with Paul Hutton. Training coming along ok. Be better if I could spend more time with her but family pulling together on consistent approach.
Paul would set you on right path...Ive had dogs do it in past and solved it via what now seems draconian methods..... great to hear you seem to have it sorted.I personally HATE Ecollars but for issues like this with right timing they can be pure magic.
Hi guys, Gember is in her first heat, spotting started Thursday 12th... the last few days she is off her food and doesn't seem to be drinking as much. Is this normal?
Cheers, John
She's probably fine. Her hormones will be fair buzzing and her brain isn't interested in anything except mating. Appetite loss is not unusual.
They can get infections but so long as the discharge is not mucussy or smelly she will be right.
I would give her a few more days before worrying.
Im not a vet though, but I've owned hundreds of dogs during my hunting and farming lifetime.
Last edited by Tahr; 20-07-2018 at 04:28 PM.