Tell you what pressing the button on my e collar the first time sure had my bum puckering![]()
Tell you what pressing the button on my e collar the first time sure had my bum puckering![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I went to the guy in Hamilton about 4 years ago, he used just enough correction to discourage the dog from the kiwi. Bummer he isn't doing anymore as I am looking to go into a block that requires it.
Has anyone ever been asked to present their certificate?
Depends on the dog.
I've had dogs that you would swear the collar is turned off. And others who turn inside when only the sound is going.
I've got two heading dogs at present that turn in to perfect little angels as soon as a collar goes on them.
Overkill is still dead.
If in the North Island look up Willie Marsh, he does the training and travels a bit for it. He is a dog whisperer and for my current timid dog only used the vibration/low shock.
The training has changed a fair bit over the years, my old Weimaraner got a good zap when we done it 15 years ago, that never held him back from ducks, pheasants and deer he had a lot of drive. Talking with the trainers the old zap em hard philosophy has changed some what.
Ian Cox (Motueka Doc office) mentioned that he will be running a coarse in August in the Nelson area when i find out more details I will post them on here.
I've done my Setter here in Whangarei a few time and never had a problem with the people doing it. First time I did tell them that he's quite soft and they respected that. He got enough to put him off kiwi but not enough to jump or yep. Last 2 times he has not needed any correction. He's 8-1/2 probably due again.
Did not stop him being interested in Pheasants, Quail or unfortunately Turkey's. The Possum interest is my fault. Same with finding downed fur for me.
As with other areas it's done by private contractors but organised though DOC to keep frozen kiwi etc. Some time's I've had to wait a long time if you miss a session. No real plan.
My last session was one for a group of lifestylers up a bush valley with kiwi coming back in.
The only aversion training I'd heard of they used a scented model that had wires poking out. Give the dog a buzz on the nose. Very quick and effective. I can see that using a collar and dog associating that with pain would be problematic.
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Willie Marsh 027 385 8191
Willie Marsh (NI) is very good. He knows dogs and his training reflects that. I have heard about the horror stories with twats who just zap the shit out of dogs but fortunately have not had to go down that path while Willie is around.
up here it typically frozen road kill, whole frozen birds.
This is such a shit situation.
Had a local acquaintance here moaning a bit about how you can't take a dog up the tracks on the mountain here. Pointed out a kiwi was found killed by a dog not far into the park. Yeh everyone knows and trusts their dog......
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BUT as DOC told us many years ago..they can stop hunters taking dogs into area via permit withholding etc...but trampers they have nothing to hold over them.... and a great majority of day walkers wouldnt give a shit IF they did know what dog was up to 200 yards ahead on the track....oh is ok wee fluffy is just getting some exercicse....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Yeh that's what I'm saying Micky. Feel for the volunteers up there who put in a lot of time to try leave a legacy for all to enjoy. And all wasted by some ignorant or just don't five a fk dog owner(s).
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Just went back through my emails re Kiwi avoidance and found this link.
It has training sessions around the country for 2023 listed.
These guys did it and I was very happy with the way it was run.
PM me if you want the mobile numbers
Glen Coulston 027 xxxxxxxxxx | Clea Gardiner 027 xxxxxxxx |
95 Crane Road, RD1, Kamo 0185, Whangarei, Northland, NZ
o dogs less than 6 months old and no bitches on heat.