Bloody hell @Ryan_Songhurst and @gonetropo what terribly sad stories! I'm sitting here in The Woolshed in Reikorangi doing a safety plan for a complex, close proximity shoot I gotta do for a retirement village and you fellas have practically got me in tears! Four months! Man that sucks and I've done the final trip to the vet with Bella, our 14 year old black lab who had a stroke. Man that sucked! Peace be with you, and especially your wife Ryan.
The little buggers are so fast when there is an opening! Our Rosie did the dash the other day. She got out onto the (quite) road and was doing figures of 8 on a tee intersection, thinking she was so fricken cleaver!!!!! I was shitty myself! No harm done though.
I'll finish on a more light hearted, somewhat comical note..... Uncle Des was out walking his morbidly obess fat lap dog in Blenheim, on one of those free running, retractable leads. Dumb dog decided to bolt across the road at a cat. Uncle Des got befuddled and wasn't fast enough on the STOP button. WHACK! Car runs over the dog! Stone cold DEAD! It's hard to walk a dead dog home on a lead, wether it is retractable or not! (Go on laugh! You know you shouldn't, but I laugh every time I think of it! "Dead dog walking!") Christ life can be cruel.
I'm going to give Rosie an extra cuddle (and a rabbit) when I get home! Yup, she is under my skin!