Bullies are just as bad, we bought our toddler a paddling pool and when she realised she wasnt allowed in it she chomped it and deflated it and flooded the back yard. She also chewed through the wires to my utes tail lights so I had to drive to the auto electrician with no indicators. Her most disgraceful moment was bowling over a kids sandcastle on the beach when she pulled the leash out of my hand . Still miss that grumpy old tart though.
Pack out heavy
She is an idiot but she earns her keep.
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Not sure when I became the half way house for visiting muttlies
And when the boy wants to come to work with dad
Out for a deer yesterday and run into four Cham. Another first for the pup. Quiet day sleeping for her today. Just scrapes in at 9”.
Popsicle learnt new trick today...when Dad is sitting looking through binos..lets get really close behind him and rest our chin on his shoulder so we can look and see what hes looking at LOL.
Beautiful chammy.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Jager is 1 year old now ,not as annoying ,will start putting more training into here now.
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Nui the 2yr old "retired" working dog with her first deer. Fairly chuffed with her efforts. Slept like a log in the car ride home
Hard at work
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi