I feel sorry for you lot, HOWEVER that doesn't mean you can pack up and come down.
Had to go to jafaland Saturday night for a concert, at least that was great. Drove into town at 18:00 was outta there by 00:00....was meant to stay the night and see a few people Sunday, decided that a much wiser move was to get the hell out fast before I had to kill someone, possibly several people. Then there would be all that please explain, and court n shit.
You lot get fucked over buying coffee. Badly. Tastes like shit generally and is expensive, out of 10 coffees bought three were ok. You pig islanders can even fuck up a black coffee with no sugar.

Petrol. tisk tisk.
Driving. Do you lot, or is it compulsory thing to go to the fuckwit driving school? LOOKING LONG AND HARD AT JAFAS.
Service...I thought the south had gotten bad, how wrong was I...
Never fucking ever bitch about the amount of trucks on the roads in the north.
EEEVVVEERR. 38 trucks between jafaville and Wellington, including a couple of buses. A shorter distance by well over 100km in the south, 155 trucks, same highway and didn't include trucks on road words down here.
And the flash roads you've got.....
But the kicker.......the fucking TERRIBLE tourist drivers we get down here, and they are bad, make a lot of jafa drivers look even worse. Or put it the other way jafas make the worst tourist drivers look good.
Us southerners are starting to pool resources to see if we can ban jafas from all inbound ferries and planes.
PS: Rabbit problem in Taihape....10 in a 10 metre radius is a problem

ALMOST stopped the ute coming back off the ferry to kiss the southern dirt....