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Princes of the prairie very nice . Thanks for the photos keep them coming
Being a pointer man, that photo rocks my boat....bit surprised to not see a high tail, is it not from American lines.
I was going to say similar but couldn't find the words , was going with that" would put a horn on a jelly fish " . But for the none pointer nuts , they may have had concerns ? . Interesting the high tail on American pointers , American gsps even though docked hold there tails high as well. Note the lack of gorse ! Arrr we can only dream
I do not know much of the breed but he looks like a real pointer to menot one who has had his dew claws in the power point and had a shocking experience with his tail
at one stage there was a lot of Scandinavian blood in South American Pointers? Hope this still stands. Looks very Euro to me, not much yank pointer in there?