I feel for yah man, dogs are mans best friend for sure. Rest easy old boy
I feel for yah man, dogs are mans best friend for sure. Rest easy old boy
sad to hear dog has passed on...but happy he will be frolicking in the big clover patch in the sky,fire hydrants every 10 yards and plurry HUGE beef cannon bones galore to chew on.... they give so much and take even more,be happy you made right decision at right time.
I like to hope they will all be waiting for me to eventually join them.
Sounds like he was a blessed to have found an "owner" like you as you were to have a dog like him.
Crap...I hate reading these posts.....always brings back memories of past pooches and of the hard decisions you have to make on their behalf but when its done you know that its the right call for your mate.
Condolences.....rest easy big fulla
Tough call for the right reason, RIP old fella.
Thanks very much for your kind words guys, it means a lot to me.
Since I'm on my own, it has left quite a gap in my life but I'm trying to keep busy.
I feel for ya. Having gone through that myself. Very hard decision, but the right one.
sorry to hear
Every dog owner feels for ya, Rugerman. Dogs do for you what no human can, so they are always valued and greatly missed. Concentrate on the good times you had with him. I had to put down a long time 4 legged mate who saved my life a few weeks earlier. Sh.t that was hard. But his photo is up on my office wall and he will never be forgotten.
Kia kaha bro. We've all got your back.
A friend of mine has had several GSP's for hunting.
His first and best passed away, and was replaced with a bitch that would trail bark and was no use.
But he had young children, she had a lovely nature, and was perfect for them to grow up with.
All things considered, her true gift was friendship, not a role as a working dog.
Some of the idiots of the dog world have a valuable role that way.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
Yeah some people just regard dogs as tools to use like a screwdriver or spanner. If it goes wrong or doesn't do what they want, they get rid of it. That's not the way I think at all. If the dog goes wrong behaviourally, it's usually the owner that has caused the issue. There are about 2% which just have their brains wired up wrong but they are usually evident as pups.
Thanks guys
A guy at work says he wants to come back as one of my dogs, since he knows what sort of money and effort I put into them.
I'm luckily in a position where I can spend what it takes to get them right if it's possible to get them right again. Unfortunately with Rocky there was a whole bunch of things all working together to fuck him up, and given his age and underlying diabetes, he just ran out of time