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Thread: Wandering jew

  1. #16
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    What does the reaction look like?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Acne, and red rash.

  3. #18
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Interesting. Never seen it. Heard a few wives tales about it though

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    some dogs more sensitive than others especially those with short coats and relatively bare bellies ie pointers. Does have a cumulative effect as in the more exposure the higher the liklihood of a reaction. Best way to eradicate it is removal of all above ground growth then spray new growth while still small. Spray will then translocate to the rootzone with out leaving a matt of rotting mature vegetation to deal with which also protects regenerating new growth prolonging eradication. Flooding waterways are always susceptible to new material transplanting. Do not compost for obvious reason....

  5. #20
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmsaum View Post
    A mixture of roundup and banvine smokes it
    Don't know if you can say wondering Jew and smokes it in the same sentence

  6. #21
    Member rockland's Avatar
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    I do a lot of weed control work and often spray wandering jew.

    Roundup or glyphosate does not kill it.
    Tordon Brushkiller will kill it but leaves significant picloram residue in the soil.
    Banvine or Woody Weedkiller may do OK but again is pretty nasty and expensive.
    Escort or metsulfuron may work but also leaves residue in the soil.
    Versatill won't touch it.

    By far the best choice is Grazon at 6 mils per litre + Boost or Pulse penetrant at 1 mil per litre. Will not kill grass. You can buy a 1 litre bottle at any farmshop or get a bit from a friendly farmer.

    A follow-up spray will be needed 6-12 months after the first hit, to clean up the bits that escaped.
    Last edited by rockland; 29-09-2016 at 10:17 PM.
    Dchild and sometimes like this.

  7. #22
    Member rockland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotbarrels View Post
    I used "Renovate" to kill nearly 2 acres of it.
    Use a fixer/penetrent with it as well.

    If it is thick, spray it to wet it as deep into the layer/mat as possible. Let it die down for 10 days, then use a rake or a hoe and wind row it up. Spray the wind row and the area you have cleared. Leave it 10 days then roll with wind row over, spray the row and the ground you have uncovered. Repeat until nothing is left. You then need to spot spray every 3-4 weeks to catch any regrowth.
    My native bush at home has been jew free for 12 years now!
    Sure this would have worked but is really overkill!

    Just spray the area thoroughly then walk away and let the chemical do it's work for 4-6 months.
    Then visit the area every 6 months to nuke any bits that survived. Let the dead stuff rot on the ground.

    Renovate is no longer on the market. It was half-strength Grazon with a built-in penetrant.

  8. #23
    Member hotbarrels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockland View Post
    Sure this would have worked but is really overkill!

    Just spray the area thoroughly then walk away and let the chemical do it's work for 4-6 months.
    Then visit the area every 6 months to nuke any bits that survived. Let the dead stuff rot on the ground.

    Renovate is no longer on the market. It was half-strength Grazon with a built-in penetrant.
    Unfortunately the Jew was up to 4' thick in places so I had to keep turning it over to get to the fresh stuff, otherwise the dead layer on the top just formed a protective layer for the stuff underneath. Maybe the fact that Renovate is a 1/2 strength was a big part of the story. At the time [15 years ago] the spray company's couldn't tell me what would work. Great to know that I ended up working twice as hard as I needed to
    rockland likes this.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    HB, I developed Rennovate all those years ago. It was 300 g/l b cause the surfactant penetrant was in the formulation. Don't add extra and save money. Use 12 ml per litre and let the CHEM do the work. Spray regrow the as it. Ones through. New breaks down pretty quickly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



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