Hi Kurt
I'm on it!!!
Hawkes Bay Rifle Club - http://www.sporty.co.nz/hbrc
Not sure my usual tight arse tendencies could handle this.
I'm more of a "Is the Range fees half price on Sundays" type of shooter.
@marky123 I'm not an Aussi ................................. Yet!
you'd better get your ass back here soon, kick off is next week
BIG turnout today!
Hawkes Bay Rifle Club - http://www.sporty.co.nz/hbrc
Had a great time Kurt thanks
That club rifle is very nice.
The rifle is an HHE Millennium action (built by John and his deceased clubmate Tony Halberg) in a Canadian Robertson H&H stock (designed in fact by Tony and John). Barrel is prob a Maddco and it wears an old original Tasco 16X now known as the Super Sniper. The rifle was owned by Maurie Gordon who won the Ballinger Belt three times and he wasn't known for having rubbish gear
@6x47 I presume you guys will be posting your results on your website. Did John H shoot?
Scores are here
John managed to cut me out of the pic!![]()
Hawkes Bay Rifle Club - http://www.sporty.co.nz/hbrc
Kurt's da man on the Sportsground site, and yes, he seems to have updated everything.
John did get to shoot as you've no doubt seen and very pleasing to see his eyesight is back to more than useable !
600 yards this Saturday
Hawkes Bay Rifle Club - http://www.sporty.co.nz/hbrc