Hi @ANTSMAN, awesome work!
I'm currently travelling through NZ and was thinking of maybe getting involved in some sort of volunteering in conservation long the way. Do you think there would be a way to help out for a couple of days at a time or so?
Thank you, cheers
pretty much check the below
shows all Orgs affiliated with Pred free NZ, should be able to get hold of someone in the areas you're going to.
Also maybe check Facebook-Insta all /most of those Orgs need volunteers and have social media pages for the are you're going to.
Also don't be disheartened if you get slow or no response- this time of year, but also, these are mostly volunteer orgs, so the pred trapping is a hobby to most.
good luck!
The whole community based predator free thing seems to be getting legs. I literally had a meeting with one of guys in our community who is really good at managing people, planning, etc, to get the Te Horo trapping underway.
Being largely rural, a lot of trapping and shooting already takes place. But just a handful of properties not doing their bit means there are large corridors for critters to move through. The thought that making it easy to get involved, shown how to use the respective traps, and given traps at no cost, will mean there should be a a noticeable uptake of those actively involved.
We are very well aware of the impact of trapping and cats in our suburb. Death threats, police, social media uproar from around the world, all because a pet cat was caught, and later release unharmed. In our case easier to just leave feral cats off the list of predators.
@ANTSMAN - do you have any advise for those starting out? Things like how you manage records of catches, location of traps etc.
yeah mate- records- most/all in NZ
use Trap.nz website- create a login for yourself- then search for projects close to you- then ask to have access- or do same but can start you own project- and maybe get people close by to join,,,,
Trap.nz is a great tool- was revamped a couple years ago, so functions way better now for recording trap checks-kills-sex-size-baits used... yada yada.
Easiest is prolly to join an exisiting group- the one you mentioned in Te Horo, request access, meet people get on board, start trapping in ya backyard, then traplines.I did this May last year and discovered Im now the pusher behind our projects Trap.nz system.
All traps recorded in a project you have access to on Trap.nz can be found by using the app while in the field.
Last edited by ANTSMAN; 05-01-2025 at 01:31 PM.
here's a shot of our project in Titahi Bay- can see all traps and traplines =coloured lines. I had to downsize it hugely to get it uploaded.
320 odd backyard traps in our suburb, dating back to 2017 ish- most are likely defunct, not there, not being checked, rotten as.... that's our biggest issue right now- auditing "all" of those backyarders to see what sup- and deleting them if not there,,, which will apply to probably most/90% or more.
People get bored-move on- change circumstances....
Last edited by ANTSMAN; 05-01-2025 at 01:36 PM.
Just joined Auckland central parks animal pest control project, targeting possums and rats with none poisonous baits (peanut butter for rats, cinnamon dusted apples for possums)
Get my trap line next month in the Waitarua wetland....let's go
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
I volunteer on one down here, we get a few University kids turning up to help, initially they won’t pull a dead rat out and are shocked that we catch hedgehogs but explain the damage they do and they come around, after a couple trap clearings they start to clear the traps and get into it.
@ANTSMAN we use waratahs too @StrikerNZ do you have a photo of clamp to box
Shut up, get out & start pushing!
Something like this, in whatever diameter is appropriate. They seem to be tight enough on the rebar and provide enough friction to generally keep the box in place. A determined person might be able to lever/wrench the box free, but it’s more to keep them secure in snow around where I trap.