I am a coordinator for a predator free group that is small village and rural and the thing I find important is keeping in touch with the 50 odd trappers we have. At the end of each month I send out an email with a bit of 'news' in it and we welcome any new trappers and I also ask for captures for the month just past which are logged on Trap NZ, if you caught nothing I still want a "we caught zero". Anyone who doesnt respond a couple of months in a row gets an email asking are you still using the trap ? If not we want it back. It is amazing the number that start out with a hiss and a roar and then find out they are not catching a rat every half hour and lose interest and dont bother using the trap again. We have a big rat competition.. 420mm is the longest rat so far.
If you have tiger traps you keep your mouth shut re captures.