She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
We had a cracker today.
Pager went off, info said fire alarm activation.
I hooned to the station, level twos on and of we went. Was quite a distance to the address but when we got there the elderly lady was on her front deck water some flowers. I'm out with a ba set while the oic checks out the scene.
Turns out the old lady had called 111 because the smoke alarm was beeping, needs a new battery.
Sent from my work bench
If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.
you don't mind those kind of calls when an elderly person is involved
This is the part of volunteering that makes it hard. 1hr before I have to get up for work![]()
ready to go Duck shooting this morning ,when tap tap on the window, lets go we need you. pager was left in car by mistake so I didn't hear it go. Get back home ready for a quick breakie, when a major client turns up with an urgent dive job. Waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive as I type.
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Started last night with a car fire, home for 4hrs sleep then out clearing the roads and at work by 9am. Yawn
Thaught I may aswell post in here im another coastgard volunteer been with the mana unit now for comming up 2 years
Im also reacently apointed as the units logistsics offier with another voulnteer with a new vessel on its way it is keeping me rather busy some of you aucklanders might know it as howick rescue one as an interim vessel for us till we can fund a summner class boat
Thats me on the stern
nice work
I grew up in that area going to school in Plimmerton, Parematta and across the harbour at Mana
Hope the coming season is kind to your and your guys.
Keep us posted now and then as it is interesting to see what goes on behind the scene
We have already had a rather interesting year our main crv is out of commison due to structural issues . Followed by the purchaing of hr1 then turning up to training one saturday to find someone had pinched an outboard off our smaller crv thats in the photo followed by the recovery of said motor . Then we won the mitre 10 coastguard rescue of the year . I spent 5 hours today stripping the remaining electrics out of old crv ready for it to go back to coastguard nz. our ops teams are all gearing up for the mammoth task of getting our masters and crew cocd and ready for the christmas period ( a small 3-4 week gap ) so its all on at the moment
I love a happy ending.
Got sent out last night to search for missing tramper in some pretty nasty country out the back of kauranga valley Thames.
The guy was just going in to check out the old dams etc on Monday but hadn't shown by tues am so SAR get a call. He was not equipped at all and certainly not dressed to spend two nights in the bush , but was found and extracted by chopper this arvo, and is apparently in good shape.
Me, Iam stuffed. Going to get some well needed kip now.
Just want to say to all you guys n gals a HUGE thank you for all the unselfish work you put in.......your all MINT.....![]()
While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Thanks Pengy for been unbiased and looking out for our fellow JAFA
How did you know that?
Was on the news same day as he went missing. Up here we get the news as it happens, not the next few days![]()