Do these limbs look to be on an angle from the riser or is that normal...
Do these limbs look to be on an angle from the riser or is that normal...
I'd be careful mate. It seems your a bit out of your depth. It's hard to tel from photos but if it is leaning your more likely to derail your bow and have a big fuck up. It looks like you brought a RTS (ready to shoot) kit. Which is a misnomer. In that they mean it's got all the bits to shoot but is most definitely not tuned. The cams can be moved with bushings if it's similar to my pse which may mean they are out of wack leading to the lean if there is lean (hard to tell from the photos). I'd go to see Paddy Long in Chch after lockdown. is his website I think.
What I mean is that to even it out if its a tuning issue you need to usually either swap shims to move cams left or right or add twists to one side on the cable to even up the lean. Both of which require a bow press. What's normal is for the cams limbs and limbs to be parralel with the string. It's not normal to have things not all straight or very close to straight. Derailments are genuinely dodgy and the violence of them often projects the peeps out of the string and has blinded people before.
Shoot it if you like but with the limited info you've provided I'm not going to say it's safe or normal. The irratic bare shaft is telling you something isn't right.