After much analysis and interpretation of the the tracking systems that NZPost has, and another (Universal Parcel Tracking - Global Package Tracking) that collects tracking from all over the place, I'm still happy that my thesis is correct, in that, once the item arrives in NZ, it sits, until NZPost gets around, to scanning it as, "accepted" into it's system.
two supporting pieces of info :
A bag, from China, was shown, as on an airplane 1 month ago, departed Hong Long (Universal Parcel Tracking - Global Package Tracking) - it turned up on NZPost's tracking tool, two days ago, as "arrived" and was delivered today. So NZPost would have me believe that it wasn't in NZ until two days ago. So it's on a plane from Hong Kong for a month? yeah right...
I sent a query, via the NZPost online form, in which I gave them some 20 tracking numbers, all from China and all in the tracking chain, for a month or more, the 1st sentence from their response was : "We have reviewed the tracking information provided and can see that your item is still in the United States. There are no scans to indicate that your item has arrived into New Zealand or that it has been accepted into our network."
They then went on, the individually note, the 20 or so items I'd sent them, as either 'Not Arrived' or 'No Scan Information/ Un tracked'
They advised me to take it up with the sender.
So once they've scanned an item as "arrived" it seems that they can get to it reasonably quickly.
I'm not going to ask them, why they think that 20 or so items from China, is one item from America, that has not been sent.
Also the respondent used words like "Untraked", "updartes" and "volum" and phrases like "We priority on Medicals, Passport and Food", "We have implement several new initiatives".
So whilst I am sure that, I'll get the items eventually, NZPost is being economical with the truth and I feel sorry for the folk doing the work, so that Marketing people can sit around making up fairy tales to tell the public.
See I knew you'd be interested![]()