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Thread: Importing compound bow from USA

  1. #16
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    After much analysis and interpretation of the the tracking systems that NZPost has, and another (Universal Parcel Tracking - Global Package Tracking) that collects tracking from all over the place, I'm still happy that my thesis is correct, in that, once the item arrives in NZ, it sits, until NZPost gets around, to scanning it as, "accepted" into it's system.

    two supporting pieces of info :

    A bag, from China, was shown, as on an airplane 1 month ago, departed Hong Long (Universal Parcel Tracking - Global Package Tracking) - it turned up on NZPost's tracking tool, two days ago, as "arrived" and was delivered today. So NZPost would have me believe that it wasn't in NZ until two days ago. So it's on a plane from Hong Kong for a month? yeah right...

    I sent a query, via the NZPost online form, in which I gave them some 20 tracking numbers, all from China and all in the tracking chain, for a month or more, the 1st sentence from their response was : "We have reviewed the tracking information provided and can see that your item is still in the United States. There are no scans to indicate that your item has arrived into New Zealand or that it has been accepted into our network."

    They then went on, the individually note, the 20 or so items I'd sent them, as either 'Not Arrived' or 'No Scan Information/ Un tracked'

    They advised me to take it up with the sender.

    So once they've scanned an item as "arrived" it seems that they can get to it reasonably quickly.

    I'm not going to ask them, why they think that 20 or so items from China, is one item from America, that has not been sent.

    Also the respondent used words like "Untraked", "updartes" and "volum" and phrases like "We priority on Medicals, Passport and Food", "We have implement several new initiatives".

    So whilst I am sure that, I'll get the items eventually, NZPost is being economical with the truth and I feel sorry for the folk doing the work, so that Marketing people can sit around making up fairy tales to tell the public.

    See I knew you'd be interested

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    Nz post need a big kick in the but and a few heads chopped off. And they ll walk strait after that.but it not going to happen under the current gvt.

  3. #18
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    Nz post need a big kick in the but and a few heads chopped off. And they ll walk strait after that.but it not going to happen under the current gvt.

    True, but I think you'll find that it's not the flavour of the government we have today, but the tendency of governments generally, in NZ, whatever the flavour, to try and make what should be non profit services, into profit centres. Once you put profit into the equation, you get greed and dishonesty.

    Compare the Health system in NZ and the USA - in NZ it's relatively good, in America you have to pay through the nose and if you miss a payment, you're on the street.

    For me, things that should be non profit: (except to allow for maintenance and projected growth), Electricity, Health, Education, Roads, Water, rubbish collection, etc etc etc.

    Things that can be profit making: something, that makes something, like, growing sheep, sustainable forestry, tricking tourists out of their money, that sort of thing.

    And Stadium sports, wherein the warmup is: release 15 Marketing folk, on one side of the arena and the last one to the other side, is shot in the knee.

  4. #19
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Because like a terrier with a kitten, I just can't let this rest ::

    So having waited for NZPost to deliver a range of $1 and $2 lures bought on eBay over December and January, suddenly, they all arrive at once, even though the cunning sellers, were all in different parts of China and thereto, you'd think, that they'd arrive at different times, even with the long delays.

    But no they all arrived on the same day, 7 different packages, it's as though, when they'd turned up at NZPost, they got chucked in a bin and when the bins were all full, NZPost delivered the contents.

    JoshC likes this.

  5. #20
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    I'm feeling some relief after reading your posts. A friend sent me a scope from the US in late March. Tracking says it has departed Chicago international on the 25/3/20. No tracking updates since. No import permit requests from Customs (i have a permit), nothing has arrived.
    I'm expecting my parcel is sitting somewhere in NZ waiting to be processed. Hopefully.

  6. #21
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    ahh yes, whilst it may appear I'm all OCD about my mail, I've got a Compound Bow, Sights, Drop Down Rest, two sets of arrows, and a whole lot of bit and bobs, all due about two weeks ago.

    Now I'm clear of the hospital and I can get out again, I've got no bow and arrow set to play with My Fishing Kayak is just a bit heavy for me until I've had a chance to finish healing, so two more weeks for fishing

    I'm a bit of an eBay connoisseur, I can spend two days monitoring the prices of say, a bow sight and end up buying one for $91 when the other 20 or so listings are up to $200, so I've bought all that I need, after many, many hours of research, to not have them when expected, is frustrating, NZPost is not so much bad, for the delay, but is v bad for the f'n lies they are telling.

    I found some similar experiences over on the Geekzone forum people are experiencing huge delays for stuff sent from over seas, but recently suff is arriving for (say England) quite quickly.

    There'll still be pallets and pallets of parcels gathering dust, we can only hope they'll not be forgotten.

  7. #22
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Found some interesting info today, it would appear that my bow is not lost, but that NZPost, don't want to say "It's in a big pile in a warehouse somewhere".

    The tracking number is in their system, but they won't say where it is, it's in two other systems as well. See attached image. I've anonymised the tracking number, just in case the NZPost marketing people are using the google lever, to monitor complaints and they decide to drive a forklift over my parcel!

    FYI, EMS is an express mail service out of China and it's the step up, in speed and tracking, from regular China Post. It is also the reason, I was comfortable giving a chunk of money to the seller, whose pre-sales service was great.

    Name:  EMS.png
Views: 313
Size:  34.5 KB

  8. #23
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Aaaah!, I found this


    from some 10 days ago

    Watch the vid and pause at 0:36, look to the left of the room (and all around actually) and see the very large number of storage bins, that's where our parcels are!

    I'll also note the apology from the boss (correct behaviour) and that none of the storage bins, are the kind that come on ships, they are all the kind that come on planes.*

    The work flow is: these parcels and packages have arrived, later they are scanned as 'arrived', my Thesis is correct.

    Waiting waiting waiting

    addendum: from the article above:

    Orders placed now will be moved through the network without being held - meaning they may arrive before something you ordered months ago. Walsh said customers could expect new orders delivered in 1-5 days, except deliveries into and out of Auckland which may take up to two weeks.

    NZ Post chief marketing officer Bryan Dobson said last week he didn't know how long those volumes would last but expected CourierPost to continue to be busy at least until normal retail opened up again.

    - so Bryan Dobson is responsible for telling us earlier, 'no problem, 5 days, it'll be fine, nothing to see here....'
    Last edited by MarkN; 03-06-2020 at 02:03 PM.

  9. #24
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkN View Post
    Orders placed now will be moved through the network without being held - meaning they may arrive before something you ordered months ago. Walsh said customers could expect new orders delivered in 1-5 days, except deliveries into and out of Auckland which may take up to two weeks.
    Whilst not exactly reflecting the quoted passage above, I got one little pack, of Judo Small game arrow heads yesterday, ordered April 21.

    My Bow and several other items were ordered April 15 . Can't see 'em no, not here yet.

    So on this one parcel delivery experience, there is no ordered queue in the delivery happening, it'll be luck as to when something, is eventually delivered.

  10. #25
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Well the NZPost's weasel words, in which the key terminology is - *"if it’s been more than 5 working days since our tracking tool shows NZ Post received your parcel"

    has changed to ::

    "To help us help you, please only contact us if our tracking tool shows it’s been more than 5 days (10 days in the Waikato and 2 weeks in Auckland) since NZ Post received your parcel"

    I guess that someone*pointed*that the tracking tool may not be showing the user what other*tracking tools are showing, you know, *leaving*information off that casts NZPost in a negative light...
    4 June - The weasel words have been altered again, on the Tracking tool, when I check on all the items, that have been "in Transit" etc etc (on a pallet in Auckland *I reckon).

    "Delivery update; We are working to have 90% of new parcels in our network delivered within three days across the country. There are no specific areas where we have significant delays. *Thank you for your patience."

    No more mention of the back log, I guess if they stop talking about it, we'll quietly go away - not me.

    these NZPost a***holes are doing my head in

  11. #26
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    I know that these posts are prolly not of interest, to most people here and I thank the Moderators for letting them be.

    I am on a few other - non hunting related - forums and on one, the Mods spat tacks, when I referred to facebook as farcebook

    This thread will be a useful timeline resource, should I ever have to go after NZPost, for the some thousand or so dollars of gear, they've got of mine

    "Orders placed now will be moved through the network without being held - meaning they may arrive before something you ordered months ago."

    on re-examining NZPOst's words I see "being held" I missed it the first time.

    This in lawyers eyes means that NZPost, is holding, can and does hold a person's private property, for what ever reason, they have admitted that they hold packages.


    To paraphrase a friend, half my family are Lawyers and Judges, the other half are Journalists.

    I'm very tempted to use the link on their page 'Report a scam' https://www.nzpost.co.nz/about-us/wh...ecurity-centre
    Last edited by MarkN; 05-06-2020 at 09:48 AM.

  12. #27
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Because I was bored, I spent the last couple of days reinstalling all my computers to fresh, latest, and shiny

    And on some further research into the fate of my 20 some parcels, I can report the following:

    The package that is the compound bow, on China Posts's site ::

    2020-04-16 15:21:12 Package Received Zhengzhou
    16:07:00 Depature from Local Sorting Center Zhengzhou
    18:43:01 Arrival at Regional Sorting Center Zhengzhou
    2020-04-17 23:10:35 Departure from Regional Sorting Center Zhengzhou
    2020-04-19 10:02:36 Arrival at Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
    13:07:05 Dispatched from Office of Exchange BeijingCity
    16:58:35 Departure from Regional Sorting Center BeijingCity
    2020-05-05 16:41:57 Handed over to Airlines BeijingCity
    2020-05-20 19:55:06 Handed over to Airlines ShanghaiCity

    So some 5 weeks to get around China and presumably the last entry, means that the plane has left for NZ? I dunno, but AirNZ is trumpeting their cargo twixt Auckland and Shanghai:


    So if it did get to auckland 2 and 1/2 weeks is not too worrying, but NZPost says:

    EV xxx CN Last updated: 19/4/2020 13:07

    I also found that the EMS site - https://www.ems.post/en, has this info :

    EMS New Zealand New Zealand
    Website information
    › New Zealand Post
    › International Courier
    Customer care information
    (+64) 0800 73 63 53 (Domestic calls only), (+64 9) 367 9710 (International calls only)
    I sent an email to cscems@nzpost.co.nz and got an auto response :

    Dear xxx

    Thanks for getting in touch. Your enquiry number is 041xxxx0.

    We are delivering 90% of new parcels into our network within 3 days across the country. There is no specific area where we have significant delays beyond this.

    However, there is still a small number of older parcels remaining from the COVID-19 volume increase we experienced and we expect to have delivered these by the end of this week.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding. We are doing all we can to respond to all enquiries within 3 working days.
    Kind Regards

    National Contact Centre

    Here's hoping

  13. #28
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Some weeks on, I have this to report, to those who may have items being sent from overseas.

    1st, it transpires that NZ post is part of an international agreement, wherein they all agree to deliver each other's packages and mail.

    So if something is sent UPS in America, or China post in China, that's why it turns up with NZPost.

    Some of the tracking services available on line are (but are not limited to) Track USPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, DHL, China Post, Fedex, UPS, Panasia, Deutsche Post, AliExpress, Banggood, ASOS.

    There are others.

    EMS is a global mail network, the NZ page is https://www.ems.post/en/global-netwo...ms-new-zealand - which when contacted turns out to be NZPost.

    This is a good thing. It means that despite the marketing people's lies, it seems that NZPost can track the package, though they may not want to tell you, when they're the cause of any delays.

    By drilling down, on some of my outstanding items, on multiple tracking services and marrying up the status messages, with the messages on NZPost, I am confident when I state the following ::

    There have been Major Delays, in every Country that a package passes through, an example would be - China 4 weeks - Hong Kong 2 Weeks (transit) - NZ 3 weeks - delivery 5 days.

    I know this because of the information, from multiple tracking sources, on some items that have been delivered.

    Also because NZPost would have me believe than an item was "International Departure" 7 weeks ago, then it supposedly arrives in NZ and is processed by Customs, Biosecurity and NZPost mail sorting centre, in 4 hrs and 2 minutes and then is stuck in a courier van for up to 5 or so days.... Yeah right.

    13/6/2020 03:08 International arrival Auckland, New Zealand

    13/6/2020 07:10 In transit to local depot Auckland, New Zealand

    The good news is, the packages are starting to be delivered, even though the NZPost tracking tool was showing "no information" for cupla months, until the day or so prior to delivery, when miraculously, the information turned up on the tracking tool.

    The other good news is that the NZpost language has been changed to:

    "International delivery updates
    Events overseas can delay the delivery of items.

    COVID-19 update: Delivery delays
    Due to the wide spread of COVID-19 globally, we are still experiencing major international delivery delays due to insufficient airfreight capacity and government restrictions. We expect this to continue for some time. Thank you for your patience.

    Delays in receiving parcels from overseas

    There are still major international delivery delays with parcels arriving in to NZ from overseas. We are working to have the majority of parcels, once received in to NZ Post, delivered within 5 days. There are no specific areas where we have significant delays with deliveries within NZ."

    So this to me indicates that they are telling us the truth now, or at least the information they are providing, tallies with the facts.

    I've still not got my bow, but accessories are starting to arrive, so I'm happy for the moment

  14. #29
    Member Inder's Avatar
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    Is there any duty free allowance? I am thinking of ordering a traditional bow from US. Not able to find the duty structure anywhere.


  15. #30
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    from Customs website

    "Customs will not collect GST, duty or charge an Import Entry Transaction Fee (IETF) on goods valued $1000 or less, unless the goods are part of a large consignment.

    This does not apply to tobacco and alcohol products - duty and GST are collected regardless of the value.

    If you buy goods valued over $1000, you'll have to pay duty and GST plus the IETF and MPI levy when the goods arrive in NZ.

    This calculation is an estimation only and applies to goods imported for personal use after 1 December 2019.

    and the calculator page - https://www.customs.govt.nz/personal...uty-estimator/


    I bought my bow from eBay, which is collecting GST, so as my bow was < $1,000 I had only to pay the GST.

    A quick research I did, was that if I'd bought a $1,500 bow, from 'wherever', it would have attracted duty of about $75 on top of what ever the GST was. And then you've got to deal with Customs etc when it gets here, to pay the moneys.

    Easier to get a cheaper bow and let eBay do the GST faffing around.

    Though in retrospect, I coulda saved myself the GST money, by buying from somewhere that didn't collect GST and then keeping the total purchase+ shipping+insurance, below $1,000.



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