Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Nice work @Ryan Songhurst,
I finally managed just before Christmas get the missus to commit to a recurve bow she finally liked to shoot after trying quite a few. We ended up picking it up from Mike and Linda at Attitude Archery along with the requisite bits and pieces (ha ha I got my own little joke in with the fletching on the arrows in Blue and Gold - good old Otago colours for the Aucklander to shoot..) also saved a few hundy dollars and got a higher spec'd riser than the one available at advanced archery (things were a bit slim pickings prior to Xmas - I think a few people were getting that from Santa this year - Ho ho ho)
Now just have to sell the 300 win mag and I can go get that Compound bow that's been calling my name..
I'm drawn to the mountains and streams, its where life is clear, where the world makes most sense!
boblee 62" 54@29
Shit, only just came back to the forum and cant believe this thread is still here haha, hers my 2 rigs now.
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Well I finally got the 'better' sight, that I had ordered in April, so now my bow is complete.
1st with the 'antique' stabilisers
2nd with the aluminium stabilisers
NAP Apache drop down arrow rest, with cage, c/o eBay
Stabiliser mount from Mr Lim, c/o eBay
Extended camo sight branded TR Blade, c/o eBay
Cat's whiskers supplemented, with a bit of white shock cord core
I put on the speed beads, as most top end bows, seem to come with them now, so I wanted them too
Thumb release, c/o eBay, exactly the same as a 'Wolf' release but cheaper.
Now to paper tune, etc, etc and sight in the bow, peep sight might be replaced
@Ryan_Songhurst, that's the Mandarin Duck, Black Hunter, right? Just ordered a 60lb, but with the hybrid limbs. Looking forward!