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Thread: Yesterday 's efforts with the new bow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth

    Yesterday 's efforts with the new bow

    I was really excited to pick up my new bow on Saturday.
    I used to shoot a Mathews switch back from 2005 and despite the bow being extremely stable and confortable to shoot, I felt I needed a more compact and lighter bow.
    I was looking at getting an APA mamba air, but eventually turned toward the PSE drive B.it is in Kiu verde and it is a 60# bows set at 58#.

    I sighted it and practiced Saturday afternoon with it. The great thing is that it launches the same arrows (gold tip 340 with 125 gr muzzy)I used with the Mathews set up at 64# with a bit more speed.

    On Sunday morning I went for a quick trip in the kaimais in the morning, and managed to bag that hind after only a 45 min walk. I shot her at 15 m , 3/4 left rear shot, unfortunately a bit back, so the first arrow went through guts, bottom liver and bottom lung: not the greatest shot, specially when I realised there was no blood to do the tracking.
    I carefully stalked in the direction she had been heading and manage to catch a glimpse of her about 60m from the original shot, she was stuck in some dense stuff in a depression in the ground. I finished her with the second arrow seen in the picture.

    I cut her up and brought back most of the meat with me. I noticed that despite a large build, she was fairly thin with no fat.
    A friend of mine that went with a hunting party in pureora on Thursday came back with two hinds and two fawns, and same thing ,the animals were not in the best condition. We were wondering if the draught had slowed the growth of food for those deer? Anyone else noticed that?

    The bow is a delight to shoot and to carry.
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    Tuidog, northdude, Shearer and 4 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Nice one mate, it's such a thrill stalking with a bow.

    My bow exploded on me just prior to lockdown. I was sighting it in for roar trip and one of my arrow disintegrated on release. Bent the cams and probably other damage as well. Lucky I didn't end up with a hand full of carbon, got a few cuts and a decent bruise though.
    I'm drawn to the mountains and the bush, it's where life is clear, where the world makes the most sense.

  3. #3
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Australia / Marlborough Sounds

    I started my Bow journey last September and have given myself a timeframe of 12 months to become proficient before hunting with it .
    Practice does kind of make perfect, and I’m super happy with my progress.
    Congratulations on the Deer mate , I’m envious
    Shearer likes this.

  4. #4
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    good stuff....one day I must try the stick n string thing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Naracoorte South Australia/From South Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Nice one mate, it's such a thrill stalking with a bow.

    My bow exploded on me just prior to lockdown. I was sighting it in for roar trip and one of my arrow disintegrated on release. Bent the cams and probably other damage as well. Lucky I didn't end up with a hand full of carbon, got a few cuts and a decent bruise though.
    Jesus, very lucky.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Naracoorte South Australia/From South Canterbury
    Have a go at one of these no need for a rangefinder. Great to use.


  7. #7
    Member Shearer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by JoshC View Post
    Nice one mate, it's such a thrill stalking with a bow.

    My bow exploded on me just prior to lockdown. I was sighting it in for roar trip and one of my arrow disintegrated on release. Bent the cams and probably other damage as well. Lucky I didn't end up with a hand full of carbon, got a few cuts and a decent bruise though.
    Lucky. I have seen videos of that and it looks nasty.
    Experience. What you get just after you needed it.



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