Maybe you should just run the siren all the time and forget about the shooting.
On the far range I didnt hear it, the other pistols shooting gave us a hint. The other ranges are OK but as it's going on the hour, every quarter hour etc you have everyone on the line ready just before it goes and hope you can get at least 3 people through a stage.
NZ Herald editorial today.
Editorial: Sometimes, council ought not to listen - Opinion - NZ Herald News
The council's resource consents compliance manager, Steve Pearce, has told the Herald "We are currently working with both the property owner and the club."
He should be telling the new resident in plain language the pistol club has prior rights. Its bursts of gunfire on Wednesday afternoons and weekends are a nuisance newcomers to the district should have been aware of, and knew they would have to live with it, much like residents who buy into an area under an airport flight path. Every time councils listen to complaints like this one, they do a rank injustice to those who were there before.