if you try the 357 ... you will hit something
To the Gent who pm ed me offering a lend of your sight adjustment tool, can you please contact me via pm again?
I need your help and cleared my inbox thus stupidly losing your details.😆
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Chris is a good guy and CZ expert, good excuse to send to him to fix that and also do a trigger job at same time. His CZ's with lightened trigger are the shiz!
Last edited by jackson21; 25-04-2015 at 11:04 PM.
Maybe pistol has had a bang or someone played with it as they come from factory with a test target from sighting in?
Chris has already been a major help. Elevation is perfect now.
Just need to push the rear sight a tad. Tried punching it, but it is pretty solid. Don't need to send it away. I probably just shoot wonky😆
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Out of interest, how did you sort the elevation issue? It seems that due to lack of powder availablity im having to change my home brew and it looks like i may need to adjust a bit![]()
The shadow comes with a 5 or 5.5 mm foresight from factory I was told. I was sent a plain 6.5mm cadet sight (measured it at 7mm with my calipers) as no one had any shadow ones in stock.
Fitted it. Took a file to the range expecting to use it.
Shot POA without any filing out as far as 50 m.😆
No more aiming off. Will fit a new true glow when I can get one.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
I was around 12" high at 25 off a rest and unsupported.
Out of the A zone especially if you were slightly off either side.
I tried to put up with it as most stages I shot had no targets outside 25m and had a very low hold even to hit poppers.
I know what you mean about ocd😆
As I have got used to the shadow I am shooting it tighter everytime I use it. I have found I am left around 4" at 25 and want to fix that now.😆
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Yeah thats a fair bit off!
With my old load - with vit n320, i could bang steal sheep at 100m about 5 out of 10, now hit one in the last outting after about 30..... For 6" steel discs and speed shooting, i'm aiming about 50 - 100mm off the bottom of the disc. Horz is fine just the vert is a prick.
Now as long as i go diag centre i can just stay in the a zone all the time. Or the leval of the bottom of the vertical flat sides ( if that makes sense)
Yup. Makes sense on A zone but sounds as frustrating as mine was on steel.
As I tried to speed up or got tired I went back to a centre hold and it wasted time before I realized.
I should send you some westcasting 9mm bullets to try. They shoot really, really tight in my shadow.
I use AS30N or AP 70 for both 9mm and .40 so far because I have come by heaps pretty cheap.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Huge thanks to Mufasa for helping me with his time and gear on this sight issue.
Cheers man. Really appreciate it😆
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Ohh he's a nice fella alright![]()