1. Really impressed with the amount of training that police receive, regarding use of lethal force.
With recent events in other cities/States, of officers using 'lethal force' in questionable circumstances, how do you personally view these incidents.
2. Social media has a lot to do with the reaction of certain members of communities, where these unfortunate happenings occurred.
Does this place duty officers under additional, unnecessary pressure?
3. There has been an increase in the size of 'under class' of most Western societies.
Do you see an increase in crime, due to folks financial situations, turning to crime as they are unable to access employment due to lack of education, opportunity for 'on the job' training, cultural mores/behaviours and (putting it bluntly) racial discrimination?
4. Despite our egalitarian society in NZ, our society is showing increasing signs of heading in the same direction outlined above, in question 3.