IPSC South Island Champs 2015 Tickets, Dunedin | Eventbrite
Highly recommend it, last years was a blast.
IPSC South Island Champs 2015 Tickets, Dunedin | Eventbrite
Highly recommend it, last years was a blast.
Good on Ya! Mrs R93
I just have to mention it appears your Missus got the same score as You ............. therefore if she can count better and fumble less, you may be the one who ends up reloading her rounds for her.
@seano i think you need a road trip to dunedin........
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
so does @Uplandstalker
I'll have to check my trip schedule but I think I am good for the IPSC in Dunners
Righto we will go. Be cheaper for me than crossing the strait.
We will take the cooks wheels.
Listening to your muffler for 8 hrs might get a bit much😆
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
It's getting fixed this week while I'm away, but yeah, the surf needs some work before it's comfy for a 7 hour road trip
Yes I have to sort my priorities out a bit - bloody work keeps on getting in the way of the important stuff!!
Depending on how I shoot between now and then, you might beable to score quite a bit of ammo and have a whole shadow for parts, but the booze will take a hammering if that happens, so no promises there.
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
Looks like I will be having a go and I will be bringing my own gimp.
I will consider renting him out for a packet of Tim Tams or similar currency.
Half day special rate, will cost a bottle of Abalour or Glenmorange.
He will be chained to the tow bar of a black suv when not shooting so it will be purely an honesty thing.😆
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Thanks to @<u><a href="http://www.nzhuntingandshooting.co.nz/member.php?u=1327" target="_blank">Uplandstalker</a></u> Wicked day yesterday at the local pistol club,I had a lot of fun and learnt quite a bit also ...Quick clip of me shooting a moving target on IPSC course at the local pistol club ...I need to concentrate/practice my "Grip Technique" and a million other things(Feels like I'm learning to drive again ,100 things to concentrate on at once,that eventually become second nature
Last edited by seano; 15-09-2015 at 11:58 AM.
He has a habit of slipping his chain when he smells something good.
He will just whimper and sniff so not too much to worry about.
You won't miss us, we will be the 2 wide eyed fellas looking out of our depth.
Gotta cut your teeth somewhere other than the comfort of our own club I spose.
Looking forward to it. Have shot in hundreds of comps all over the world but this will be my first ever with a pistol outside the military so there is some genuine excitement and apprehension I used to get when new to comps.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.