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Thread: Pistol NZ Legal opinion on Safe regulations

  1. #31
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaW View Post
    I had one person ask me recently if my wife knew where the keys were to the safe. I told him she didn't and he said he had told his wife following some home invasion where they wanted the wife who was at home to open the safe. He thought it was better she did than get bashed.

    In two minds about it though. Then they have your wife and guns..
    A guy I work with said his mate was renewing his licence and the vettor asked his wife if she could get the keys so he could check the safe was bolted correctly. She got the vettor the keys, they guy didn't get his licence renewed.
    stumpy, Cyclops and MaW like this.

  2. #32
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    More importantly if wife has keys wife can count.
    dogmatix, johnd, nzfubz and 6 others like this.

  3. #33
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    Most safes can be opened with a pocket knife

    Wife has full access to safe, after all she has a firearms licence, and 1/ Because she has a couple of rifles of her own, 2/ If anything should happen to me "they" are not going to come and remove my stuff.

    And same as R93 I have a reciprocal agreement with a mate. Should something happen to him I am in his will and his collection comes to me to dispose of on his wife's behalf. I would ensure she gets proper value rather than ripped off by a dealer at a time when she may not be at her best to cope.

    Fark, this thread is getting morbid now, but I wonder how many others have thought it thru should something bad happen.
    Good one Zimmer. Me too. In my case, it's my brother, and him I trust with my life.
    Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.

  4. #34
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    A guy I work with said his mate was renewing his licence and the vettor asked his wife if she could get the keys so he could check the safe was bolted correctly. She got the vettor the keys, they guy didn't get his licence renewed.
    Like I said previously, if your spouse doesn't know where you keep your keys then she's not very observant of her place of living / surroundings is she?

    There's a reason they ask about the mental well being (and if they're on meds) of others you live with.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    Like I said previously, if your spouse doesn't know where you keep your keys then she's not very observant of her place of living / surroundings is she?

    There's a reason they ask about the mental well being (and if they're on meds) of others you live with.
    Many people have negligible situational awareness, including in their own home.
    Steve123 likes this.

  6. #36
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    Home - mainland nz, actual - Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    Like I said previously, if your spouse doesn't know where you keep your keys then she's not very observant of her place of living / surroundings is she?

    There's a reason they ask about the mental well being (and if they're on meds) of others you live with.
    So what about your keys etc....? Do you have a missus or boyfriend - do they know where your keys/codes are? What's your plan if you get hit by a bus tomorrow?
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  7. #37
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    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by Beaker View Post
    So what about your keys etc....? Do you have a missus or boyfriend - do they know where your keys/codes are? What's your plan if you get hit by a bus tomorrow?
    My combination safe would have to be cut open to get the keys. My girlfriend has no idea of the combination.

    In fact I am the only person in the world who knows what it is. And I have no plans to change this.

  8. #38
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    Like I said previously, if your spouse doesn't know where you keep your keys then she's not very observant of her place of living / surroundings is she?

    There's a reason they ask about the mental well being (and if they're on meds) of others you live with.
    Like I said earlier. I'm more concerned about the missus counting them and wondering why I have the amount of ammo I do.
    Disposal in the event of death is sorted

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  9. #39
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    Like I said previously, if your spouse doesn't know where you keep your keys then she's not very observant of her place of living / surroundings is she?

    There's a reason they ask about the mental well being (and if they're on meds) of others you live with.
    Hey Jexla that's a fairly big assumption on the wife not being observant of her place of living!
    Like a lot of the guys here my wife doesn't know where I keep my keys and while she might have an idea what room they are kept in I would say good luck to her to find them. I'm not able to answer for any others on here but I personally have areas of my house set aside for me that she won't go in to and likewise I won't encroach on her areas- we respect each others privacy especially when it's all to do with personal space and time to yourself.
    nzfubz and Steve123 like this.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.

  10. #40
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beaker View Post
    So what about your keys etc....? Do you have a missus or boyfriend - do they know where your keys/codes are? What's your plan if you get hit by a bus tomorrow?
    Of course she knows where they are, avoidable? Unlikely. I have plans in place for my firearms in the event of my demise, lots of firearm owning friends with the correct endorsements.

  11. #41
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    I've made sure the AO never get his mits on my firearms. Have a reciprocal deal with a good mate. You do need a plan. Re my wife, we share all, if I didn't trust her 100% I wouldn't be married to her (44 yrs this yr). Not that she really cares about anything I own, only the mess I'd leave if I karked!
    Savage1, 308, Beaker and 1 others like this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  12. #42
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    So, with endorsed firearms, I assume the correct answer is no, she has no idea...

  13. #43
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcdeee View Post
    So, with endorsed firearms, I assume the correct answer is no, she has no idea...
    There's no correct answer. If she wanted to look for it while you're at work she could and she'd one day find it no matter how much of a key ninja you think you are.

  14. #44
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    My combination safe would have to be cut open to get the keys. My girlfriend has no idea of the combination.

    In fact I am the only person in the world who knows what it is. And I have no plans to change this.
    one is tempted to ask if you are in fact the worlds biggest optimist.who manufactured the said safe-??yourself.if not given the modern unlimited world wide web and a lot of miscreants being computer savvy i should imagine it wouldnt be overly impossible to access the "impregnable' fortress. GIRLFIRIEND EVER COMPLIANED OF YOU TALKING IN YOUR SLEEP????????many a man revealed his closest secrets sleep talking
    Im also aware of an old saying -the first made the laws,the next found the way round them.
    human beings old chap creatures of habit-how to catch a human out observe their habits -the weakness will readily become apparent to the observer.
    my security -multilayered last is wifey smiling -"hello what flowers do ya want in the wreath and do you have your funeral directors phone number??"

    yesiree id sooner face a big scrub bull with prickles in his ballsack than my old darling when shes got her wee scotty ,welsh ,dander on afterburners!
    this is not a piss take squire nor casting aspersions .merely some of my reflections upon your statements.i will admit they are coloured by my extensive career in mental health ,the last decade in forensic mental health units plus a 13yr TF military career
    Last edited by kotuku; 24-01-2017 at 05:39 PM.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    There's no correct answer. If she wanted to look for it while you're at work she could and she'd one day find it no matter how much of a key ninja you think you are.
    By "right answer", I mean the one that ticks the box; what they want to hear. The reality is irrelevant.



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