Haven't set dates yet. It will only be 3 stages of each so might not be worth the travel over. But then again any shooting is worth the time. I will keep you informed.
Caught up with your old man today at his place to square him up for some components. Poor bugger has been in the wars lately.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Wicked. I might even be able to make it to one or the other
Yeah mate certainly has. Definitely keep me in the loop on dates be keen to pop over never been to your range before, heard good things.
"Does the brain control you or are you controlling the brain? I don't know if I'm in charge of mine." - Karl Pilkington
No worries. Gimp in his Gimp suit good things?😆
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
For that hoki event, I would be keen to come down and watch/learn/be involved. Feel free to let us know the dates once they are set and I'll plan for it. Other fellow club members from up here might also be keen to drive down the coast with me.
Thanks, might take you up on this and make contact. Regards, feral
@seano I could be keen too, depending on dates we could work in for transport etc.
I have to drop someone to chch airport on my way down to Dunners for this shoot.
Normally I travel inland too head south, once I am on the wrong side of the island😆
Anyone needing a lift from chch or on the way, let me know.
I am travelling alone this time because gimp is a company man😆
Probably stopping in to see @Beaker so just a warning😆
Travelling through mid morning on Friday 28th.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.